Do you know this Situation?
Its a nice day on weekend and you decide to take your dslr and go for a walk.
You walking around a bit and than a peace of trash, maby an old cola can or somethig beside the path jumps in your eye.
You go to it and on that near look you see that it is a peace of hero trash, with everything on it:
Scrached, rusted, covered in dirt, bleaced by the sun and the reflections uncoveres its multi glossiness surface.
The "model" itself is some kind of stroy telling, you can almost see the teenager squashing that can.
All in all it is the epitome of an old cola can.
And you're exited.
Grap your camera and start to take Photos from every direction.
Than, after some photos you raise your head and you notice that old couple... standing there on the path and uncomprehendingly staring at you as if you are completely naked.
I also was in similar siturations while standing less than a meter form a windowless wall taking Photos of the bricks.
Its a nice day on weekend and you decide to take your dslr and go for a walk.
You walking around a bit and than a peace of trash, maby an old cola can or somethig beside the path jumps in your eye.
You go to it and on that near look you see that it is a peace of hero trash, with everything on it:
Scrached, rusted, covered in dirt, bleaced by the sun and the reflections uncoveres its multi glossiness surface.
The "model" itself is some kind of stroy telling, you can almost see the teenager squashing that can.
All in all it is the epitome of an old cola can.
And you're exited.
Grap your camera and start to take Photos from every direction.
Than, after some photos you raise your head and you notice that old couple... standing there on the path and uncomprehendingly staring at you as if you are completely naked.

I also was in similar siturations while standing less than a meter form a windowless wall taking Photos of the bricks.