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Windows 10 upgrade

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  • Windows 10 upgrade

    Is the upgrade from windows 7 worth the hassle?
    Chris Jackson

  • #2
    Yah the free period is coming to and end... I'd also like to know if there are any pitfalls that come along with win 10?
    James Burrell
    Visit my Patreon


    • #3
      heh, same here. but I'm leaning towards staying with 7. so far the only benefit I see would be directX 12.
      Marcin Piotrowski


      • #4
        It's not officially supported by Autodesk yet :P
        It's a bit of pain in the Ao. More clicks to do simple tasks, more crap ribbon interface. Win7 interface still buried underneath. Control Panels is hidden away, start-up folder is buried deep.
        Nothing I notice is better than in 7, lots are not as good. I think they use the same UI guys as AD and implement 'small annoying things' as features.
        Some older AD software is not compatible (due .net version)
        Old Opteron CPUs not compatible
        Crappy sound drivers (DPC latency issues in the driver that makes everything pop and crackle...although if you run a 'DPC latency checker' this stops the crackles and pops...go figure.)
        But apart from the above grips, so far it works...

        .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . ... . -. -.. -.-. .... --- -.-. --- .-.. .- - .
        I need a new signature
        Max2017.1 | Vray 3.70.01| win11
        ASUS Z790PLUS | i9 13900K | 64Gb RAM | Geforce GTX4070Ti


        • #5
          I've got no plans to upgrade. Will hold out till Windows 7 totally dies before upgrading my work machine. Why oh why can't Windows 10 have a Windows 7 theme? And by that I mean the xp theme for Windows 7 :P
          Brendan Coyle |


          • #6
            I upgraded from Win7 to 10 last night and so far so good. No need to reinstall anything, Max and AutoCAD work as before. I have a dual monitor desktop which seems to work much better in Windows 10 - all the dialog boxes open on the same screen as the application now.
            Dan Brew


            • #7
              did the free upgrade, its nice but very sticky hard to explain and i have issues now with nitrous and old scenes, need to use directx in max, other than that it seems ok
              Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

              i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2


              • #8
                anyone tried downgrading? is it possible? or would that require a traditional reinstall of win 7? Was told that it might be a good idea to just do the damn upgrade before the 29th, so you get your win 10 license, and then you can revert to win 7 and keep on using that. But still got the free win 10, just in case.
                Too much hassle for me right now I think, but it's always nice with a clean install every now and then


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tzaar View Post
                  anyone tried downgrading? is it possible? or would that require a traditional reinstall of win 7? Was told that it might be a good idea to just do the damn upgrade before the 29th, so you get your win 10 license, and then you can revert to win 7 and keep on using that. But still got the free win 10, just in case.
                  Too much hassle for me right now I think, but it's always nice with a clean install every now and then
                  on my old pc windows 10 installed without asking me and i downgraded with no problem
                  Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

                  i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2


                  • #10
                    I reinstalled my pc with windows 10, with max 2016 and the new vray 3.4, works really fine untill max was completely reset one morning.... and with reset i mean all the preferences (that are stored in 3dsmax.ini) where gone, and the day's after, max kept on resetting. I have been reading on the autodesk forum and it seems to be a common problem for some users/and not always ... very annoying & very strange .
                    So maybe someting is wrong in the installation procedure, anyway i am going to reinstall my pc again grrrrrr


                    • #11
                      I'm happy with w7, not a big fan of w10 interface.....I'm not sure if I will upgrade...
                      Anyway, I will build a new pc next month with (certainly) W10.
                      I'll probably try to keep my old pc (w7) as a render node (DR, backburner)
                      Does it mean it would be better to upgrade my futur "old pc" to keep the same os ? Do I have to expect myself a lot of problem if I have to manage W7 & W10 ?
                      (Sorry for my bad english)


                      • #12
                        upgraded over a year ago and have not had any issues, it is certainly superior to win7 once you get used to the little differences.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by werticus View Post
                          upgraded over a year ago and have not had any issues, it is certainly superior to win7 once you get used to the little differences.
                          Really? Hmm. Your post is actually making me think I better upgrade.
                          anyone else happy with the upgrade?


                          • #14
                            No problems here.Well, a couple small ones, but I wouldn't turn back, even if I had the chance. Now, if it cost something, I would probably still be on Win7
                            Bobby Parker
                            phone: 2188206812

                            My current hardware setup:
                            • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                            • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                            • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                            • ​Windows 11 Pro


                            • #15
                              Upgrading to Windows 10 is pretty painless. I upgraded a workstation from 2009 that was built with with XP Pro and then later upgraded to Windows 7 and then to Windows 10 without any issues.

                              It took me a bit of time to turn off/remove a lot of little annoying things like animated tiles for apps I'll never use but overall I prefer Windows 10 to Windows 7.
                              Steve Burke

