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maxwell Render - first facts and screenshots

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  • Originally posted by RErender
    Hmm, Have to be hand approved for their web board, another fascist Renderer forum?

    Free love, free board and V-Ray!
    yeah, wtf is up with that?


    • Apologies if this is off topic, but when evaluating a renderer I think all issues should be taken into consideration, including support.

      I have to concur with previous concerns about Next Limit's support and after sales help. We bought Real Flow for £1,500 and have received zero support/help/response from anyone there.

      The software is buggy, crashes and although can produce an amazing end result, to do so you need decent documentation and tutorials - something which is lacking in bucketloads.

      Their marketing and packaging is slick, but their support is severely lacking.

      Personally, after my experience with NL after buying Real Flow I wouldn't touch a product from them with a barge pole!


      • Re: maxwell DR and their licenses philosophy

        Originally posted by lightpixel
        look at this.... it´s really expensive to make a DR-rendering in maxwell...

        well, at this point and many others, I think, VRAY is unbeatably....

        Thats horrible, it looks like that they will be marketing towards architects, lightng engineers, etc. But since when are architects rich enough to afford that many licenses? I would have considered purchasing whenever someone wanted something physically accurate, but with the 2 cpu per lic. thats pretty lame. I doubt i will purchase now.

