I might have project coming and client liked very much these panoramas: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=arZwGLEA93J
I believe this was done by scanning the space and creating rough 3d space from it, but I wanted to ask you guys - have you seen any software capable of creating something like this? I really like smooth transitions between Panos, it's like Google Streetview - exactly because they are in 3d space.
I might have project coming and client liked very much these panoramas: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=arZwGLEA93J
I believe this was done by scanning the space and creating rough 3d space from it, but I wanted to ask you guys - have you seen any software capable of creating something like this? I really like smooth transitions between Panos, it's like Google Streetview - exactly because they are in 3d space.