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Who was around back then? (december 2001)

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  • #16
    Found some space on my friends server... Few retro shots...

    Damn, I was in love with the skylight renders. Both images dated
    january 2002.



    • #17
      great stuff man! I didn't really get past simple stuff with brazil, as it was my first Gi renderer and i knew so little... I still have alot of my brazil renders here...

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #18
        aaaah crap.... you guys are right... it was not 2002... it was 2001. Man I get older every year.


        • #19
          i was to young to understand what vray was back then
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #20
            aaaah crap.... you guys are right... it was not 2002... it was 2001. Man I get older every year.
            LOL its ok its prob just alzheimer's setteling in, but dont let that get you down because there are some pluses to it. Like you get to make new friends every day

            â–  ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X â–  ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX â–  ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX â–  GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX â–  ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k â– 


            • #21
              aaaah crap.... you guys are right... it was not 2002... it was 2001. Man I get older every year.
              LOL its ok its prob just alzheimer's setteling in, but dont let that get you down because there are some pluses to it. Like you get to make new friends every day

              and you get to forget the ones you never liked anyways...

              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


              • #22
                I remember switching from brazil to vray when brazil ended public beta too..

                I remember testing a very early versjon of vray, and it crashed when I pressed render with a simple teapot scene with one light..
                It took some time before I dared to try again, thank god things have changed since then...

                Vlado also told me I was one of the first people preordering Vray1...



                • #23
                  there changed the subject header from 2002 to 2001...

                  I remember back then, we were trying ALL sortsa stuff... renderdrive, mental ray. Obvioulsy mental ray was in the lead... Renderdrive was slower and MUCH more expensive. Then I saw finalRender (a much cheaper option), and we had to try it. It was cool, and everything, but the big thing was that it took forever to tweak the scene to that "sweet spot." I tried Brazil for a while and was excited. Then Vray appeared... I was saying to myself: "Here we go again..." but since I tried everyhting else, I had to try it. I have since left the firm, but from what I hear, they now have a lot more copies of Vray.


                  • #24
                    i started the tower back in the mental ray days. took 3 hours per frame for a very simplistic version. then i tried brazil and raymax. brazil and raymax came in at about 45 minutes a frame but raymax back then had area shadow support and brazil didnt. then after that since i knew alot of the arnold people they got it done at 8 minutes a frame.
                    hehe by now my tower was well known as a testing ground. i didnt have access to arnold directly so i gave vray a try when it 1st came out. and voila. 15 minutes a frame. wow. vlado did a rendering of it at 3 minutes but without direct light
                    i got it in at about 7 minutes a frame using direct comp and it was loking nice
                    i had purchased final render as a pre-purchace back in november of 2001 and started testing vray in december and i think my copy of FR was delivered in february. by then i was into vray big. however when i tested fR it was sooooo crappy. hehe. as for max lighttracer. it crashed on the tower lol

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #25
                      I looked for some old versions of vray here but couldn't find any, I did find a ghost and some rayfx versions but no old vray s
                      My oldest vray scene I could find was dec 2001. I also found some demo files someone had uploaded at about that same time, anyones? (see image).

                      translucency example
                      Eric Boer


                      • #26
                        huh... time is runnig

                        this was my very first vray test during lunch break on 4th december 2001.


                        • #27
                          Wow! Didn't realise i had been here that long. 2 Girlfriends and 2 flats have come and gone in that time. hehe

                          Though i don't come in as often as i would like anymore, been too busy. Though this is still the best forum out there in my opinion.


                          "...and we all know how paintful THAT can be, don't we?"


                          • #28
                            2 cmpanies,big home life changes and 3apartments since .5.
                            Feeling OLD........3DS DOS R2.... Final Render 0 beta......max 1 through 5 betas......when I was your age whippersnapper......
                            Two heads are better than one ...
                            ....but some head is better than none.....


                            • #29
                              i also came onto the delphi boards after alpha tetsing brazil.


                              • #30
                                yeah same first GI render was the blazil alphas....but after a while I started going into the deplhi forums, but I was mostly a lurker....
                                then it was a battle between finalrender and vray (brazil was too expensive and slow) and vray clearly won after a few short that's what we have wide in our offices


