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Wishlist // gpu

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  • Wishlist // gpu

    Hello there,

    I thought I would share some features we miss to switch to GPU and would love to see implemented:

    - Cryptomatte : Since we started using it with Vray CPU it has really speed up and improved our compositing stage, and I can't imagine going back to using just IDs.
    It is a very important features to have with the GPU versions. My guess is that will come once the bucket rendering is here.

    - Matte Shadow Render Element : we use this all the time in compositing, acting as a mask to control the shadows.

    - connecting a samplerInfo facing ratio to a ramp U Coord, then connecting this to an Extra Tex Render Element doesn't seem to work

    - surface shader Useful in many case to do quick mask or specific passes for compositing

    - DistanceTex , Vertex Color

    Hope that helps

  • #2
    *) Bucket rendering is something that we look into now. You are right - cryptomatte and deep images will come with it.
    *) I will put a note about that.
    *) Sampler Info with facing ratio should work fine. I will ask the QA guys to check that, thanks!
    *) What is surface shader?
    *) Distance Tex will come eventually, but tbh it is not very high in the list with the todo stuff. Do you need it a lot? Vertex color should work fine though, do you have a scene with problem?

    Thanks a lot for the feedback!

    V-Ray fan.
    Looking busy around GPUs ...
    RTX ON


    • #3
      surface shader is a maya material.


      • #4
        Thanks for your reply

        - Yes, surface shader is a basic maya material which allow to render self illu, just pure diffuse. It's supported in the CPU versions.
        - Sampler Info with facing ratio works but not when connected to anExtra Tex Render Element
        - Distance Tex, I don't use it very often but from time to time to create a specific pass for comp, I guess I can use CPU for this one when I need it.
        - About Vertex Color, sorry I didn't tried but I saw that it wasn't supported here that's why I mentionned it :



        • #5
          *) You should be able to get the same result with a lightMtl (or even vrayMtl with self-illumination).
          *) How are you connecting the samplerInfo.facingRatio to the extraTex? Since the facing ratio is a single float value, it makes sense to connect it to the 'float texture' input of the extraTex when in 'float texture' mode. Although this doesn't work on the GPU, it should work when connected as a normal texture to vray_texture_extratexR/G/B.
          *) As for vertex colors - what do you want to do with it? The userColor texture can do most of the things, so reading a color set works just fine with userColor when the 'attribute name' is set to the name of the color set. I think vertexColors won't work for this on the GPU.
          Alex Yolov
          Product Manager
          V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


          • #6
            *) Ok great, will do that.
            *) I was connecting it as a texture, I tried with float texture but it doesn't work either. But when I connect it to a VMTL it works. See image below for the connections
            *) If reading a color set works with userColor then that's great, thanks.


            • #7
              This seems to work for me, see if it helps. I've piped the facing ratio to all three extra_tex.texture channels, then the extraTex itself is in the default 'texture' mode.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	extraTex.png
Views:	174
Size:	70.1 KB
ID:	1001402Click image for larger version

Name:	extraTex.png
Views:	49
Size:	70.1 KB
ID:	1001403Click image for larger version

Name:	extraTex.png
Views:	172
Size:	70.1 KB
ID:	1001404
              Alex Yolov
              Product Manager
              V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


              • #8
                Thanks, connecting the facing ratio directly works.
                But when connecting the output of the ramp, it doesn't. Actually I found that it kind of works but it sets the interpolation mode to 'None' instead of 'Linear' when it renders. (see image).
                This only happens in extraTex Render Layer, it works fine in the beauty. So I could use that.

                I'm using Vray 3.60.04 Maya 2016 by the way


                • #9
                  Yes, it seems that for some reason it internally uses no interpolation between the ramp positions. I'll add a note about that.
                  You can refer to VGPU-3324 in the future for updates on our progress.
                  Last edited by yolov; 26-06-2018, 02:20 AM.
                  Alex Yolov
                  Product Manager
                  V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                  • #10
                    Thanks for reporting it, we have fixed the interpolation bug with the ramp in extratex for the next release.

                    Sorry for the troubles,
                    V-Ray fan.
                    Looking busy around GPUs ...
                    RTX ON


                    • #11
                      Great to hear! Thanks.

