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Path Follow (i want to finish my simulation end of the line with fadeout)

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  • Path Follow (i want to finish my simulation end of the line with fadeout)

    Hello Guys,

    i want to finish my simulation end of the line with fadeout, when i doing my setting higher detail for simulation its going out from the my area and the area is going bigger than my first area (look carefully yellow one is my path) what should i do. Do you have any idea?

    Thank You So Much

    Click image for larger version

Name:	question.jpg
Views:	53
Size:	90.4 KB
ID:	1004853

  • #2

    If I understand correctly, you need the smoke to fade out as soon as it reaches the end of the spline? In this case, try creating a box that covers the smoke to the right, create a new fire/smoke source, set into Volume Brush mode, set the Brush Effect to 20%, uncheck all source channels except for smoke and set the Smoke in the source to 0. This would make the smoke fade out when it enter the box. Using the Brush Effect you can control how quickly the smoke dissipates.

    Also, it's very important - which Phoenix version are you using?

    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Yes you are correctly understood. My version is 3.10. what about this step?


      • #4
        Hey, choose Make Non-Solid - the Volume Brush mode works only with Non-Solid geometries.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          it's not working. :S


          • #6
            there is a test 3ds max scene. if you want you can check. 3Ds Max 2018.
            Attached Files


            • #7

              You will need to tweak a few things - the box size should be a bit larger so it can fade the smoke better, the brush % for the source should be a lot higher in your case - I have set it to 99.999%.
              Also if you don't wish for the grid to expand - just disable the "Adaptive Grid" option in the Grid rollout. You can find more about this here -

              Here is how the scene looks with the changes.
              Attached Files
              Georgi Zhekov
              Phoenix Product Manager

