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Simulating heat haze

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  • Simulating heat haze

    Was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for simulating something that can be used to drive post-2ddisplacing and blurring to simulate heat haze in AE. Heat haze like that behind a fighter jet, like in the vid here:

    Currently I'm trying with a surface force emitter on a cylinder, with up to 100 outgoing velocity. 4000 temp. Only emitting smoke. Tried a few different values for vorticity. I'm generally shooting in the blind here, any help and pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated. Would emitting fire maybe be the more natural thing to do for example? Hoping to not spend a week setting up just this one somewhat subtle effect. Effect doesn't have to be amazing, just something that sells it. The most important aspect of it I think is to get a lot of small and fast moving detail.

    Last edited by crimea; 11-09-2018, 09:46 AM.

  • #2
    phoenix has built in heathaze rendering ( , but if you need to make it in post, i suppose the best way is to make 2d simulation and to render it in geometry mode with velocity render element.

    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Hey, thanks for your reply.

      The final animation will be rendered with redshift, so can't use the phoenix sim box for rendering, and was hoping to do this heat haze mask render with redshift as well. However, if you think the best will be to render in geometry mode, then I might have to bite the bullet and use multiple renderers for this job rendering this mask with vray. I have a feeling it will look the best if it's a volume though, to have a bit more depth. I have done it in this way before for a general feeling of heat, but I'm not getting enough detail.

      Could you elaborate on 2d simulation? What exactly do you mean by that?

      Edit: if you mean 2d like this:
      then that probably won't be that great, as I do need a 3d volume since the camera will be flying everywhere.
      Last edited by crimea; 12-09-2018, 08:35 AM.


      • #4
        Any pointers for getting a result that looks like the below? Just more 3D and a bit more natural if possible.

        What I'm after is a contrasty noise basically.


        • #5
          If you want a dense, noisy smoke you can try Large Smoke preset. It looks like pretty much the same.

