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Linear Workflow Checkbox Information

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  • Linear Workflow Checkbox Information


    We are currently writing a tool to "undo" what the linear workflow checkbox affects, so we can begin the process of not being reliant on it, and update older assets that were using it. Is there a list of the shader input names that are currently getting the gamma correction? This would help our development team with the tool. If you have the names in a way that they are labeled in python that would be even better. Thank you for the help.

  • #2
    Here is the list of parameters affected by the 'Linear workflow' option:


    Physical Material:

    The names are actually used for the plugin parameters in 3ds Max - they are automatically exported both in MAXScript and Python object wrappers.

    Additionally, here is a sample script that inspects all nodes' materials in the scene's nodes:

    import MaxPlus
    def outputNode(n, indent = ""):
        nMtl = n.Material
        if nMtl:
            print indent + nMtl.GetName()
            for p in nMtl.ParameterBlock.Parameters:
                print indent + "==" + p.Name + ": " + str(p.Value)
        for c in n.Children:
            outputNode(c, indent + "--")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      It would be interesting to know how will you approach this. In Maya directly or in Standalone without going through Maya?
      Alex Yolov
      Product Manager
      V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


      • #4
        Thank you Aleksander.

        Can you also list the attributes for Vray Fast SSS, Skin, Hair 3, Hair Next, and car paint?

        As we will be doing this in Maya, do you have the Maya attribute names rather than Max?

        We are expecting to do this inside Maya directly just so the artists can double check the render of the assets. It is a bit of a difficult situation as we have many vendors using older assets that do utilize the checkbox, but we want new assets going forward to abandon it. There will be a tool that lighters can run in their file to upgrade an old assets, and then we will most likely be doing a new publish of our current shipping assets to get them upgraded.

        Since the assets continue year to year it is hard for us to have the idea of a "show" where can simply have a new set of assets, as each asset tends to continue to be used for years down the line. We are hoping the combination of the new publishes and a tool a lighter can run to upgrade will suffice while the old assets are phased out.

        Any other ideas you can share would be very helpful as well.


        • #5
          Hi Aleksander, did you have any update on the above question regarding the way the other materials react with the linear workflow checkbox? Thank you for the help


          • #6
            The Linear Workflow option checks if the gamma parameter is different than 1.0 and inverse correct colors with the gamma value.
            For SSS2 only, there’s a linearWorkflow attribute to the VRayFastSSS2Mtl node, and both attributes (the one on the SSS2 material and the one in the Color Mapping options) need to be enabled to correct the colors.

            Since this option never accounted for Maya’s Color Management system, the input colors and textures may be incorrectly transformed, and will likely be double-corrected. Migrating your old assets might mean that they will render as they did before, but keep an eye out for cases where by accident Maya’s Color management was enabled along with V-Ray’s Linear Workflow option.

            Here’s a list of attributes to consider when migrating your assets:

            Maya Node Parameter (Maya UI label) Maya Attribute Name
            VRayCarPaintMtl Base Color color
            VRayMtl Diffuse Color color
            VRayMtl Reflection Color reflectionColor
            VRayMtl Refraction Color refractionColor
            VRayMtl Translucency Color translucencyColor
            BRDFToonMtl Diffuse Color diffuseColor
            BRDFToonMtl Reflection Color reflectionColor
            BRDFToonMtl Refraction Color refractionColor
            BRDFToonMtl Translucency Color translucencyColor
            VRayFastSSS2Mtl Overall color overallTex
            VRayFastSSS2Mtl Sub-surface Color subsurfaceColor
            VRayFastSSS2Mtl Scatter Color scatterRadiusColor
            VRayFastSSS2Mtl Scatter radius (cm) scatterRadiusMult
            VRayFastSSS2Mtl Diffuse Color diffuseTex
            VRayFastSSS2Mtl Specular color reflection
            VRaySkinMtl Shallow Color shallowColor
            VRaySkinMtl Medium Color mediumColor
            VRaySkinMtl Deep Color deepColor
            VRaySkinMtl Diffuse Color diffuseColor
            VRaySkinMtl Pr. Reflection Color primaryReflectonColor
            VRaySkinMtl Sec. Reflection Color secondaryReflectonColor

            Please note that since V-Ray Next, the VRaySkinMtl is no longer available and we recommend using the VRayAlSurface material instead. VRaySkinMtl will still load from old scenes and render, but will be represented as a BRDFSkinComplex node, whose attribute names will differ like so:

            Maya Node Maya Attribute Name
            BRDFSkinComplex shallow_color
            BRDFSkinComplex medium_color
            BRDFSkinComplex deep_color
            BRDFSkinComplex diffuse_color
            BRDFSkinComplex primary_reflection_color
            BRDFSkinComplex secondary_reflection_color

            As for Hair 3 and HairNext - no parameters were ever corrected.
            Last edited by yolov; 12-12-2019, 09:56 AM.
            Alex Yolov
            Product Manager
            V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


            • #7
              Thank you Alex, this is helpful.


              • #8
                Hi Alex. I have been helping Stephen figure out the best ways to convert our current linear checkbox 'On" assets converted to work with the checkbox off. For the most part we have just been able to insert gamma correct nodes (of 0.454) in front of the correct inputs, using the ones you have listed in your post.
                Everything seems to work as expected except for FastSSS2. On FastSSS I am not quite sure how to properly correct 'Overall Color' and 'Diffuse Color'. Using the normal correction methods doesn't seem to be working for me. I tried using a correction of 0.227 on the Diffuse since it seemed like it might have been doubling up on the Overall Color value, but just wanted to ask to see if you could provide any more insight into how we can properly correct for it.

                I attached an example scene. The scene has two render layers setup (legacy render layers) that have the linear checkbox enabled/disabled. We are testing inserting Gamma correct nodes into the basic shader setup to get them matching between render layers. As you can see the FastSSS2 setup isn't quite matching. I am guessing there is just some additional math that is going on that we need to be accounting for.


                Attached Files


                • #9

                  I haven't had the chance to confirm this with the devs, but yes, it seems that there is some doubling up on the diffuse color. Following your logic, though, I was able to get a visually identical result with a doubled up gamma correction (0.454*0.454=0.206116), in essence gamma correcting the gamma correct.

                  Is there a reason why you can't use the Maya color management for this? I suppose you're trying to perfectly match your assets, but I get the feeling that in this way you are going to get wrong results wherever the linear workflow option would produce wrong results. For example, the maya color swatch should already be providing the correct result in the correct color space, but LWF would correct it regardless.
                  Alex Yolov
                  Product Manager
                  V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                  • #10
                    Thanks Alex I will test that out. And yeah this is to maintain the look of older assets that were built with the LW checkbox and now will be used without the LW checkbox. Going forward on fully color managed assets gamma corrections shouldn’t be needed.

                    Thanks for the help.


                    • #11
                      That's good to hear. In the meantime, I'll update the thread should I find anything else. Looking forward to hearing how tests go.
                      Alex Yolov
                      Product Manager
                      V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                      • #12
                        Hey Alex, could you clarify exactly what you did with the FastSSS2 to get a match? Having trouble replicating it.


                        • #13
                          I just added an extra gamma to the diffuse texture and kept all gamma nodes at 0.454
                          It turns out that FastSSS2 has an extra Linear Workflow attribute, enabled by default.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	extra_gamma.png
Views:	111
Size:	164.1 KB
ID:	1066303
                          Attached Files
                          Alex Yolov
                          Product Manager
                          V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


                          • #14
                            Perfect thanks for the help on this!


                            • #15
                              Hi there,

                              We are still grinding away on this, preparing to convert our whole asset library. I noticed today that the diffuse, reflection, and refraction amounts are all needing a gamma correction of .454 on Vray Materials. Chaosgroup, can you verify this? I was surprised as these are scalar values and I would not have expected they would be getting touched by the linear workflow checkbox. But, the only way to make these channels sync up is having a .454 going into them.

                              Thank you!

