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Please make the standalone denoiser remove unneeded denoiser layers. I have been asking for this for ages and it is a simple fix.

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  • Please make the standalone denoiser remove unneeded denoiser layers. I have been asking for this for ages and it is a simple fix.

    1. Every EXR file set up for the standalone denoiser has around 9 extra layers for the denoiser.
    2. The denoiser writes these files AGAIN into the files that have been denoised.
    3. This makes the denoised EXRs unnecessarily large.
    4. This is in incredibly inefficient.
    5. It wastes hundreds of gigabytes over the course of an animation project.
    6. Over the course of thousands of users you're wasting an INCREDIBLE amount of storage space.
    7. It makes editing and post production slower.
    8. It's a REALLY simple fix and I have been asking for this for a long time.
    9. For the love of God please fix this.

    vlado You said you were going to look into this, but haven't.
    1. This is wasteful of people's hard drive space - it costs money.
    2. It's wasteful for the environment.
    3. It's wasteful because it makes editing and post production slower.

    We have discussed this multiple times and people have made various suggestions - the easy solution is: have an option to remove the denoiser layers and reduce file size.

    There is a 3rd party utility I can run to strip these layers, but I would prefer not to have to do this, because it's just ANOTHER step in master files and another frame sequence.

    I'd bet €100 that a competent programmer could fix the standalone renderer in half a day at most.​

    Is Chaos group still as responsive as it used to be or have those days gone?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_71647.png
Views:	621
Size:	1,009.5 KB
ID:	1196127 - Vray Mentor

  • #2
    I can feel your pain. This is especially frustrating when you have not received even one official answer in the past seven months...


    • #3
      I had a bit of a heated debated with Leli about this, who said it wasn't possible, or would take a lot of resources - but in fact there are some types of layers that the denoiser removes anyway, so, it shouldn't be that difficult.

      I really don't know why this isn't a priority - it would massively improve the efficieincy of how EXR sequences are handled, and it would likely save us all a shit tonne of hard drive space. - Vray Mentor


      • #4
        Who knows, maybe next year

        ... Did you posted this on new features ideas thread?


        • #5
          Yeah, I've been banging this drum for quite some time now.
 - Vray Mentor


          • #6
   - Vray Mentor


            • #7
              We are absolutely sick of these junk layers too. Its such a strain on production. Please do something about it Chaos


              • #8
                It's actually obscene how much data and resources it wastes, not to mention how needlessly large the final files are.
       - Vray Mentor


                • #9
                  Place your votes here.
                  Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    Could you just fix it please? it's not a feature, it's not an idea, it's just a lazy stupid, wasteful bug.
           - Vray Mentor


                    • #11
                      I found the following sentence in the V-Ray 7 for 3ds Max release notes:

                      • Add lean saving of denoised files to the standalone denoiser
                      • Make lean split saving of denoiser REs optional, and off
                      However, I cannot find this option. There's no explanation in the documentation either.

                      What is this all about?
                      Last edited by flat; 13-11-2024, 01:30 AM.

                      OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


                      • #12

                        The latest denoiser that comes with the official V-Ray 7 looks exactly the same, and doesn't save lean files.

                        Could someone at Chaos take ownership of this? It's a total waste of resources and it's been going on far too long. @vlado?

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	122
Size:	146.8 KB
ID:	1220233
               - Vray Mentor


                        • #13

                          For now those options are hidden. We wanted to add the necessary changes to the V-Ray internals before the official release and we'll add proper UI later on.

                          There's a MAXScript option in the VRayDenoiser render element in Max that can be tested with a script like this
                          denoisers=getClassInstances VRayDenoiser
                          (assumes you have only one denoiser render element).

                          This will make the denoiser skip writing the auxiliary denoiser channels to files - only the denoiser result.
                          Use it at carefully - there are no checks whatsoever yet so setting it to true might lead to unexpected results. For example if the denoiser is set to 'Only generate render elements' and this option is set - result files will not be denoised and will not have the render elements.

                          Changes both to Max and the Standalone denoiser in that regard are in the works​

                          Best regards,
                          Yavor Rubenov
                          V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the reply. Hang on, so can you explain where to use this - this has to be run in 3ds max? and then when you run the standalone denoiser later it knows not to write the unneeded layers?

                            Why don't you you just make it so the standalone denoiser does this automatically?

                            Where do I run this script?
                   - Vray Mentor


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JD3D_CGI View Post
                              Hang on, so can you explain where to use this - this has to be run in 3ds max?
                              Yes - Max only. For now..

                              Originally posted by JD3D_CGI View Post
                              and then when you run the standalone denoiser later it knows not to write the unneeded layers?

                              No - the option affects only renders done in Max. Once rendering is done - the output file will NOT contain denoiser elements - only the denoised result.

                              Originally posted by JD3D_CGI View Post
                              Where do I run this script?

                              In Max in the MAXScript lister
                              Yavor Rubenov
                              V-Ray for 3ds Max developer

