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What formats are people using?

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  • #16
    I think windows is doing something during the copy paste operation. Ever since I started using my current setup with a calibrated monitor, copy-paste operations always result in very different results.
    James Burrell
    Visit my Patreon


    • #17
      Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
      What happens differently, between copy and paste from VFB to photoshop and saving to JPG/PNG/TIFF/TGA and loading that in Photoshop?
      The latter goes through the 3ds Max output, applying the settings for the chosen format, and the color management render output defaults. Note: there is an issue with these output defaults (fixed in the nightly builds) not being correctly applied. Hence, we advise setting the Render Output Defaults to "No Conversion" so that the display corrections can be correctly saved (Save in Image) through V-Ray. I'm pretty sure some of the confusion comes from this issue.

      Originally posted by Pixelcon View Post
      I think windows is doing something during the copy paste operation. Ever since I started using my current setup with a calibrated monitor, copy-paste operations always result in very different results.
      I'm on Win11 and just tested copying the current channel from the clipboard - no differences when pasting to PS (sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color space). You can download a free clipboard viewer to see if the image is indeed copied correctly.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #18
        Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post

        The latter goes through the 3ds Max output, applying the settings for the chosen format, and the color management render output defaults. Note: there is an issue with these output defaults (fixed in the nightly builds) not being correctly applied. Hence, we advise setting the Render Output Defaults to "No Conversion" so that the display corrections can be correctly saved (Save in Image) through V-Ray. I'm pretty sure some of the confusion comes from this issue.
        When using Gamma 2.2 workflow there are no conversion options in the output settings.




        • #19
          Originally posted by Pixelcon View Post
          I think windows is doing something during the copy paste operation. Ever since I started using my current setup with a calibrated monitor, copy-paste operations always result in very different results.
          Yeah those are some of the issues I had as well when trying to use a monitor profile.



          • #20
            Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
            When using Gamma 2.2 workflow there are no conversion options in the output settings.
            Then there shouldn't be any differences between the copy of the RGB channel (if Display Correction is Gamma 2.2 instead of sRGB) and the saved image. Send some examples if this is not the case on your end.

            EDIT: Clarity.
            Last edited by hermit.crab; 06-02-2025, 07:40 AM.
            Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #21
              Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post

              Then there shouldn't be any differences between the copy of the RGB channel and the saved image. There will probably be a slight difference between them and the VFB (Gamma 2.2 vs sRGB). Send some examples if this is not the case on your end.

              Well there's a slight difference indeed, the saved images are a little less contrasty. Just tested it. I like the look of the copied version a lot more. Is there no way to have the VFB save the image as if it were copied/pasted, so the end result is like the VFB?

              This the copy to Photoshop and saved to JPG:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	TEST_COPY.jpg
Views:	98
Size:	526.6 KB
ID:	1226590

              This is VFB saved to JPG:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	TEST_SAVE.jpg
Views:	99
Size:	509.0 KB
ID:	1226588

              This is the difference (you can barely see it, but it's there):

              Click image for larger version

Views:	107
Size:	111.2 KB
ID:	1226586

              And this is the difference but boosted:

              Click image for larger version

Views:	102
Size:	1.15 MB
ID:	1226589
              Attached Files



              • #22
                Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                Well there's a slight difference indeed, the saved images are a little less contrasty. Just tested it. I like the look of the copied version a lot more. Is there no way to have the VFB save the image as if it were copied/pasted, so the end result is like the VFB?
                That's because the Copy to clipboard saves the image uncompressed, unlike lossy formats like .jpg. If you save an 8-bit uncompressed .tiff, you'll notice there is no difference
                Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #23
                  Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post

                  That's because the Copy to clipboard saves the image uncompressed, unlike lossy formats like .jpg. If you save an 8-bit uncompressed .tiff, you'll notice there is no difference
                  That's the thing, even with no compression formats (I tested this with TIF; no compression) the difference in contrast is almost the same as with JPG/PNG/..., they are a little more washed out than the copy paste. Below a boosted difference between TIF and copy paste. So it must be something else?

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	TEST_DIFFERENCE_BOOST2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	606.8 KB ID:	1226607



                  • #24
                    Is your VFB Display Correction set to Gamma 2.2 (rather than sRGB) when copying to the clipboard? If it's not the comparison will not be accurate - the copy will be with the sRGB look, the saved - with Gamma 2.2. (forgot to mention this two posts ago). When I made the .tiff comparison I was saving both raw since I thought we already eliminated this difference.

                    EDIT: Also, Vlado mentioned the VFB Dither (VFB Settings> Render View) is different from the 3ds Max one (Customize >Preferences > Rendering), so there might be some differences there too. Although, I don't see them in a simple scene.
                    Last edited by hermit.crab; 06-02-2025, 07:46 AM.
                    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                    • #25
                      Aaah yes thanks, that was it, that seems to be a 1:1. My Display Correction was set to sRGB. So is it possible to save with sRGB instead of Gamma 2.2?



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                        So is it possible to save with sRGB instead of Gamma 2.2?
                        Not at the moment but we are thinking of providing a way to do that.

                        Best regards,

                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by vlado View Post
                          Not at the moment but we are thinking of providing a way to do that.

                          Best regards,
                          Great, thanks Vlado <3



                          • #28
                            it used to be possible within VRay with LUT layer set to srgb and empty lut file loaded. just save lut from VFB with no adjustments.

                            not sure how this works now as 7 has some changes to lut layer.
                            Marcin Piotrowski


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pixelcon View Post
                              That slight change is likely the difference between gamma 2.2 and sRGB.
                              I agree the whole topic is stupidly complicated.

                              (I also use the legacy Gamma Worflow. I also have my calibration .icc file loaded into the VFB for correction.)
                              that is in my opinion a good and robust, tried and tested approach in 3ds max. at least as long as you don’t need ocio.

                              and regarding the „stupidly complicated” part I have a scary/hilarious story: a week or two ago, a post on linkedin. the type of „good practice advice from a professional”. a professional running 3d scanning business I have to mention. so the advice was: to get all your colours correct from 3ds max one should convert all colour input textures to the display icc profile used.
                              Marcin Piotrowski


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by piotrus3333 View Post

                                that is in my opinion a good and robust, tried and tested approach in 3ds max. at least as long as you don’t need ocio.

                                and regarding the „stupidly complicated” part I have a scary/hilarious story: a week or two ago, a post on linkedin. the type of „good practice advice from a professional”. a professional running 3d scanning business I have to mention. so the advice was: to get all your colours correct from 3ds max one should convert all colour input textures to the display icc profile used.
                                And that doesn't sound illogical, right? Like to 99% of people out there in the digital-creative field would just assume that is correct. I certainly would. You are one of the very few that seem to understand the topic from top-to-bottom...then again maybe you're like this dude on linkedin...
                                James Burrell
                                Visit my Patreon

