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Q-For those of you with TreeStorm

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  • #16
    beat me to it nik!
    Chris Jackson


    • #17
      too sloooo........ wu wuhha wuh-huh-huh-harrrggghh


      • #18
        Originally posted by dbuchhofer
        Question, Is it geometry based leaves?

        As for the guy above who said they gave him a demo, they emailed me back saying that they dont have a demo.. (Thats about the point where they got axed from the list in my book/budget.)

        but willing to reconsider for geometry based as opposed to opacity based
        When did you e-mail them? How long did it take them to get back to you?

        I just e-mailed em at 1 pm and its almost 4 pm now... still no reply. Also, WHICH e-mail did you use? the info or customer service e-mail?


        • #19
          Originally posted by BBullo
          I E-mailed them requesting a demo, They sent me a working copy that doesn't save, and a model to import into Max.
          I don't know why they don't dispurse this demo on their website, but drop them an E-mail and they should help you out.

          Tell this guy they don't look realistic close-up.

          while the bark and stuff look awesome, the leaves on the large trees isn't as good.

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #20
            The guy clarified, they dont have a TREE STORM demo, they have a demo of Broadleaf.

            Ok, the way he's explaining it, Tree Classic is a mix of all the Conifer/Broadleaf/Etc modelers, except you cant do a wind preview inside it, and it doesnt export 3ds or lwo or anything, so what DOES it export out as? Some propriotary modle format? I take it once brought into 3dsmax with the TreeStorm plugin you can THEN add wind? *asking here and by e-mail just to get an answer as fast as I can* You guys are awsome for all the help youre giving out btw, people dont say that enough.


            • #21
              tree classic i think is old. most people (like me) buy the tree libraries - one or all, and the treestorm plugin. the individual libraries have their own executables so they work on their own.


              • #22
                Originally posted by nvanherpt
                tree classic i think is old. most people (like me) buy the tree libraries - one or all, and the treestorm plugin. the individual libraries have their own executables so they work on their own.
                Yeah, the Super pack has all the libraries+modelers+treestorm and its only $100 more than Treestorm alone. Im deffinately leaning towards that package.

                Do any of you ever use the Wind animation setup for it? How does that fair with an already large scene?


                • #23
                  We use the wind often, it's a bit difficult to get a gentle breeze out of it but the results are good, does not add to the overhead of the scene noticably.

                  To add to the geometry leaf discussion, it is possible to replace the standard leaves with custom leaf objects inside Max/treestorm so even closeups are possible.

                  It is good to start with the pre-made libraries, but also nice to be able to alter these into several variations in their "modeler" also it is a bit steep but not incredible hard to model your own.
                  Eric Boer


                  • #24
                    Sheesh, and I just got my boss to give me the OK to buy these 2 characters for $600 total:


                    now I have to tell him we need a tree generator for another $600

                    And possibly one of those low poly 3d packs of people so we can have people all around... oh, and cars...

                    I have another question, do you think OnyxTrees would sell better if they UPDATED the design of their website to something more.... astheticly pleasing?


                    • #25
                      Here's a sample I just posted trying to improve on them.

                      (Don't worry about the time. That scene has 8 million faces.)
                      J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by CCS
                        Here's a sample I just posted trying to improve on them.

                        (Don't worry about the time. That scene has 8 million faces.)
                        Well, the stuff I'm doing is going to be animated with many trees all around, so I should probably expect long render times...

