before my studies I was employed at a 3d company and used vray extensively. Now I am studying design but they don't have vray there, and i needed 3dsmax license for my laptop anyways.
First I ordered the Autodesk Education Suite for 60€, which includes 3dsmax, maya, xsi, mudbox, motionbuilder, and sketchbook pro. For the record, this package is worth 15,000€ - you read that right: software worth 15 thousand € for 60€ - only for non-commercial use, of course.
So then, I asked my retailer about the vray cost. It's currently priced at 180€ for the educational version. Now I (and countless others) can't afford that as a student, which means I have to learn mentalray, which in the long run, would lose you a paying customer. Not to mention vray RT does not run with the demo, inspite of the fact that it is the best way to quickly learn how vray works.
Now i have two questions: If I do buy vray, do I get future updates for free? Or how is that handled?
Second, I know it's not economic to answer this truthfully, but do you plan to lower educational licenses to an acceptable level ... of course this level is open to debate, but just compare it to Autodesk - it includes 3dsmax which includes mentalray (your direct competition), and if you do think economically, this will lose you customers in the long run. It's the students of today who will (or will not) buy your packages tomorrow. Lastly, i wanted to add that in my opinion, the commercial licenses are absolutely reasonably priced.
I would gladly buy vray if its about in the 50€ range, with all features enabled and maybe even up to 100€ with RT working. I know it is worth much more, but this would count as an future investment for your company.
before my studies I was employed at a 3d company and used vray extensively. Now I am studying design but they don't have vray there, and i needed 3dsmax license for my laptop anyways.
First I ordered the Autodesk Education Suite for 60€, which includes 3dsmax, maya, xsi, mudbox, motionbuilder, and sketchbook pro. For the record, this package is worth 15,000€ - you read that right: software worth 15 thousand € for 60€ - only for non-commercial use, of course.
So then, I asked my retailer about the vray cost. It's currently priced at 180€ for the educational version. Now I (and countless others) can't afford that as a student, which means I have to learn mentalray, which in the long run, would lose you a paying customer. Not to mention vray RT does not run with the demo, inspite of the fact that it is the best way to quickly learn how vray works.
Now i have two questions: If I do buy vray, do I get future updates for free? Or how is that handled?
Second, I know it's not economic to answer this truthfully, but do you plan to lower educational licenses to an acceptable level ... of course this level is open to debate, but just compare it to Autodesk - it includes 3dsmax which includes mentalray (your direct competition), and if you do think economically, this will lose you customers in the long run. It's the students of today who will (or will not) buy your packages tomorrow. Lastly, i wanted to add that in my opinion, the commercial licenses are absolutely reasonably priced.
I would gladly buy vray if its about in the 50€ range, with all features enabled and maybe even up to 100€ with RT working. I know it is worth much more, but this would count as an future investment for your company.