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Problem with references in Maya 2011 hotfix 2

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  • Problem with references in Maya 2011 hotfix 2


    I'm having some issues with a specific pipeline that I'm currently developing, that uses several referenced files into a Vray scene.

    It works something like this;

    (Referenced to

    Basemesh (unshaded) -> Shading scene -> Studio setup scene.


    Now The problem with this is, that when I want to edit my shading scene, lets say, I add a new material to an object (Adjusting material properties works fine), Reloading the reference dosent change the studio setup scene correctly! The mesh does not get the shaders I put on it in my previous shading scene, except for already exsisting material adjustments.

    What im basically implying here, is that referencing Vray shaded objects into another scene, then adjusting the previous scenes material, does NOT work at all.

    Wich pretty much renders my pipeline useless or flawed if not solved, and fast.

    I sincerly appreciate any kind of response to this, and apologise for not posting this in the problem forum. Apparently I can't post on that section at all, for unknow reasons.


    Nils Carlén

  • #2
    Does it work with standard Maya materials (e.g. Lambert, Phong etc)?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      For access to the forum, please email us to and we'll sort it out.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Hm, just made a quick test, but it seems to work as expected. Here is what I do:

        1) Create a plane, save to file plane_base; new scene, create a sphere, save to file sphere_base;
        2) Create a new file, reference plane_base, assign a new VRayMtl, save as plane_shade; create a new file, reference sphere_base, assign a new VRayMtl, save as sphere_shade;
        3) Create a new file, reference plane_shade and sphere_shade, save as master; render
        4) Open in another Maya instance, plane_shade and assign a new material (e.g. VRayLightMtl material), save;
        5) In the Master file, reload the plane_shade file; render - the plane now shows the VRayLightMtl material, as expected.

        If you have a specific case where this does not work, would it be possible to send it to so that we can take a look?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Also if your doing any adjustment on a render layer(in your render master scene) that maybe overriding what is happening in your base shd scene. We tend to only keep referencing to a minimum, shd files into a render scene or rig files into a anim scene. I think your playing with fire referencing a model to a shd scene.. .then referencing a shd scene into a master lighting scene. To many placing thing can get messed up. And if a modeler changes something that can immediately ripple down and f-up a render.

          Also the addition of multiple namespaces tends to mess things up in MR (standalone mostly) not sure if its a big deal for Vray, but it seems a bit cleaner to me. Plus with few dependencies there is a less likely hood for a file to get corrupt. When base scenes change (mainly when things are deleted not added) they tend to reek havoc on any other down stream files....and render layers can go nuts and you get massive maya connection errors.

          just my .02


