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Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

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  • Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

    New to forums and would love to get some advice to achieve the image of the ligh bulb with the text mapping on it. I tried following the Transparency mapping tutorial in the manual but was unable to get anywhere really.

    Below is the link to my images

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! If there is more information needed to come to an answer let me know and i will get it here asap.

    Light bulb

    Mapping and settings

    Rendering. I have no bothered to go for the shape yet. I am just trying to get it on a flat surface for now.

    I have a preloaded .visopt that came with V-Ray

    I thank you in advance for helping me out!

    -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-

  • #2
    Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

    Not sure if I understand correctly, but wouldn't it just be a normal bitmap material with an emissive layer applied ?


    • #3
      Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

      You know...knowing me i would overthink things. I will give it a try at lunch.


      -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


      • #4
        Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

        I was able to get the desired look by importing a bitmap to the face of a grouped box. the rest of the sides had emissive materials. A little fine tuning and i can get to where i want to be....but

        i'm curious as to how i would apply such a clean bitmap to a curved surface like the lightbulb.

        Any tips or tricks out there?
        -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


        • #5
          Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

          You could make the actual bitmap big enough to cover the whole object, but the logo or "clean bitmap" covers only a small portion and then just position the texture accordingly.


          add this as a map on an emmisive layer:

          Sketch up view:


          This was just using the default vispot, so theres a bit of blotchiness etc, I didn't bother playing around with it too much.

          I'm sure theres other ways to achieve the effect your after, but this might help you on your way.


          • #6
            Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

            Right on! thanks for the help. The larger bitmap will totally make the difference. I will let you know how it goes.

            -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


            • #7
              Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

              I am not sure how to get the Sketchup View image you have. Where it displays the preview of the V-ray Material. Furthermore im not sure how to adjust a vray material on the surface like a regular sketchup material...

              -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


              • #8
                Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                .... ???

                I'm killing myself over this.

                here is where i am now. I was wondering what you put in the diffuse channel and why you unchecked the boxes under options.

                Here is where i am this point im clueless.

                Sorry to keep pounding away at this topic but im just getting a little frustrated.

                My main problem is that i cannot adjust the image on the surface. It is not grouped. I applied directly to the face. I do get a preview on the object when i dont have the emissive layer attached. But still i cannot adjust the position and size of the bitmap on the face. The second i apply the emissive it goes grey and then i have no idea where the image is. Then when i render it is just....well see above.

                -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


                • #9
                  Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                  Hey there, I had the gallystops bitmap on the diffuse layer aswell so, the same map on both layers - there is no reason why I unchecked those options, I just did it to see if it made any difference ... which it didn't.


                  • #10
                    Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                    Originally posted by gallystops

                    My main problem is that i cannot adjust the image on the surface. It is not grouped. I applied directly to the face. I do get a preview on the object when i dont have the emissive layer attached. But still i cannot adjust the position and size of the bitmap on the face. The second i apply the emissive it goes grey and then i have no idea where the image is. Then when i render it is just....well see above.
                    UV mapping in sketch up on organic shape is a pain in the ass, you have to work around it. Making your texture to fit a certain object will be dependent on it's scale... in this case when I import the texture heres what I get:

                    Nothing unexpected.

                    At a width of 200 heres what i get, it's obviously too small, 1000mm should be spot on.

                    The size is perfect but its at the top, and thats no good. At this stage I cant move the texture up or down, however, I could if it was a flat surface. The only thing I can do is reshape the cylinder.

                    And heres the render

                    Can you elaborate on what exactly you're trying to do ? coz there may be a alternative / better work around.


                    • #11
                      Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                      thanks for sticking in here with me IOTEQ

                      Basically i am trying to apply a Emissive bitmap on a curved surface. Primarily to have the Emissive light shine through the text or shape.

                      Question with where we are so far.... do you

                      "File" "Import" the texture through SU not "Import V_Ray Material" in the V-Ray Material Editor.

                      Secondly i apply the bitmap in both emissive and diffuse and try my best to scale it (pretty unsuccessfully) but even when its adjusted accordingly my whole (in this case cylinder) object is just the emissive light. No evidence of the bitmap. Intensity goes no higher then 3.

                      Im at work right now without my laptop (working in 3ds max) :'( so i dont have updated images to show what i am saying.

                      thanks again IOTEQ! I will be even more thankful when this is complete lol

                      -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


                      • #12
                        Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                        I think I know where you're going wrong, and in addition I tried a different approach and applied it to a light bulb and it works ! Pictures speak a thousand words so here we go ~~

                        take your object

                        intersect into a box

                        move that face

                        create texture in sketch up window

                        position texture accordingly

                        turn it into a projected texture

                        get the paint bucket tool, alt click (on pc) and click on your texture, and then just paint it onto your object.


                        • #13
                          Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                          An even easier way is to simply build a box around your grouped curved/spherical/organic object so that the six faces of the box touch the widest and tallest parts of the object (takes seconds with pushpull). Apply the material to the box, adjust position and scale and then use the eyedropper tool to project the material onto the curved object. You can skip the whole intersection and copy faces stages.
                          SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


                          • #14
                            Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                            wow great guys! Really, I do appreciate all this help. I am currently at work and will try this right when i get home.

                            Now when i link it and add an emissive layer will it take into account the bitmap black and white and send the light through the white only?

                            *edit* Or i should say will I run into any specific issues with it not reading the bitmap or would i have to then apply my new projected map on the emissive layer?

                            Just wondering. Thanks so much.

                            -Intel Core i7-930-<br />-12GB DDR3 SDRAM-<br />-ATI Radeon HD5970-<br />-1TB Hard Drive-


                            • #15
                              Re: Transparency Mapping. Trying to achieve a specifc image!

                              Originally posted by Jackson
                              An even easier way is to simply build a box around your grouped curved/spherical/organic object so that the six faces of the box touch the widest and tallest parts of the object (takes seconds with pushpull). Apply the material to the box, adjust position and scale and then use the eyedropper tool to project the material onto the curved object. You can skip the whole intersection and copy faces stages.
                              Hi Jackson, thanks for giving gallystops some additional help on this, I tried your method but had little success.

                              In any case, theres usually several workarounds to get the same outcome - Gallystops, pls post your progress thus far !!

