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  • welding

    Hi! Is it possible to create such welding effect like this:
    With PhoenixFD?

  • #2
    Absolutely - do you have nightly access? If so, you can check the Phoenix toolbar - one of the Fast Setup presets there creates a candle fire which you can modify to get that effect. basically the render settings should be pretty much the same except for the fire color, and most of the Dynamics settings should be the same as well. You just need to direct the discharge using the Polygon ID on the source and increase the discharge as well.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      Thank you Svetlin! No, now I don't have acces. Am I understand you right? Now, in phoenixFD I can simulate melted metal + fire in one pass of simulation?


      • #4
        Well, for that you still need two passes with two simulators on top of each other - one for the liquid and one for the fire part.
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          Hm, I understand.
          And how can I replicate vibration in liquid metal like in this video, or in video that I sent before.


          • #6
            It should happen naturally, you just need a small scale and high surface tension.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              Svetlin, help me please. Where can I find info about:

              I can't find anything on


              • #8

                Here is the info from the beta docs on these:


                This helper is a force pushing the fluid along a spline curve. The force shape can be described as "pipe" with a certain radius. For the points outside the pipe, the direction is toward the spline, and for the points inside the pipe the direction is along the spline. Most forces are controlled by a pair of values, giving ability to balance between predictability and natural behavior. However, unlike the other forces, this object is controlled by terminal velocity and strength (influence), because in most cases involving the FollowPath object, you may need to control directly the velocity of the fluid and the time it will need to travel.

                Spline | spline – The spline object giving the path
                Follow Speed | axsp – The terminal velocity of the fluid along the spline. This part of the force is pronounced mostly inside the pipe. For detailed explanation of the terminal velocity meaning see the Influence parameter.
                Pull Speed | radsp – The terminal velocity of the fluid toward the spline. This part of the force is pronounced mostly outside the pipe. For detailed explanation of the terminal velocity meaning see the Influence parameter.
                Rotation Speed | orbsp – The terminal velocity of the fluid around the spline. For detailed explanation of the terminal velocity meaning see the Influence parameter.
                Influence | strength – This parameter balances between predictability and natural behavior of the fluid. The operator changes the fluid velocity making it closer and closer to the velocity specified in the user interface, called "terminal velocity". On the other hand, the simulator itself changes the velocity too, according the fluid dynamics rules. The operator influence invalidates part of the simulator's efforts, which leads to loss of fluid features, visually pronounced as drag effect. The valid values of the parameter are between 0 and 1, value 0 is lack of operator force, value 1 means the fluid's velocity is set immediately to the value specified in the user interface. The intermediate values produce gradual change of the fluid's velocity toward the terminal velocity, but the fluid has certain freedom and can produce fluid features. One tip that may not be obvious is if you need to achieve gravity-like behavior of the force, you need to set some very big terminal velocity and very low Influence value.
                Pipe Radius | radius – This parameter determines the pipe size, i.e. the distance from the spline where the Follow Speed of the force is replaced with the Pull Speed.
                Max Distance | maxdist – The distance where the force disappears
                Fade start | fadestart – The relative distance (as part of the Max Distance) where the force starts to decline
                Affect | affect – The affected components of the simulation separated by commas.


                This helper is a force pushing the fluid accordingly the helper's orientation. PlainForce is used to produce gravity or wind like effect. As other forces, the dynamics are controlled by two parameters - force magnitude (strength) and drag coefficient, giving ability to balance between predictability and natural behavior.

                Strength | strength – The acceleration force measured in scene units/sec^2.
                Drag | drag – Drag coefficient used to prevent the infinite increase of velocity. The bigger the drag, the more the fluid behavior is suppressed and the less the fluid features are pronounced.
                Max Distance | maxdist – The distance where the force disappears
                Fade start | fadestart – The relative distance (as part of the Max Distance) where the force starts to decline
                Apply Force behind |applyforcebehind - The force will be applied behind the helper icon.
                Affect | affect – The affected components of the simulation separated by commas.
                Terminal velocity – The pair strength-drag has characteristic value called "terminal velocity", which is the velocity where the acceleration caused by the force is equal to the deceleration caused by the drag.


                This helper produces a force toward a geometry object, that can be used for giving shape of the fluid. The force is pronounced outside the body but inside is replaced with mechanism suppressing the escape.

                Body | body – The geometry object used as attractor
                Strength | strength – The force intensity, this parameter affects mostly the points outside the body. The fluid accelerates constantly toward the force until reaching the body.
                Max Distance | maxdist – The distance where the force disappears
                Fade start | fadestart – The relative distance (as part of the Max Distance) where the force starts to decline
                Suppress orb. | orbitsupp – Drag force suppressing the velocity components different from the direction toward the body. This force is pronounced outside the body.
                Internal damp | veldamp – Damping the velocities above certain value (Damp min vel) inside the body, this parameter is used to prevent the escape of the fluid caused by the inertia, if the internal damp is zero, the fluid attracted to the body will continue across it
                Damp min vel. | dampstart – The threshold velocity for the internal damp force. This parameter is used to prevent total freezing of the fluid inside the body, it must remain "alive" having some residual movement.


                This force produces waves inside a liquid simulator, similar in size and speed to the waves obtained by displacing geometry with the PhoenixFDOceanTex. WaveForce is used to create seamless interactive ocean simulations, because the similarity between the simulated waves and the waves of the ocean extension.

                Ocean map | ocean – The PhoenixFDOceanTex map used as force generator. No 3rd party maps can be used because the force is not obtained directly by applying the displacement field, but some internal functionality is used instead.
                Strength | strength – Multiplier of the nominal force. The nominal force produces wave height similar to the displaced waves, in the most cases the crests of such waves are not broken, if you need stormy waves with crests producing splash and mist, you have to set this value about 4-6.
                Affect | affect – The affected components of the simulation separated by commas.

                The supported elements for the Affect lists of these forces are:
                Any unknown element found in the list will be ignored.
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

