Hello, i have a problem where the nvidia hairworks its not showing in the Vray RT, its just like they are not there at all.. Can someone tell me how can i solve this or if vray RT have support for hairworks?
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Nvidia Hairworks and V-Ray RT problems
We have not implemented support for HairWorks. We might do this if there is sufficient user interest. In the meantime there is Ornatrix, HairFarm and 3ds Max's own Hair&Fur. If HairWorks supports output to Alembic, this might work as well (you can load it from a VRayProxy object).
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
Nvidia Hairworks and V Ray RT pro
Do you have player set to output bitstream or PCM?
PCM means the player does the decoding and is sending a PCM signal to the receiver.
Bitstream means the player sends the signal to the receiver for decoding.
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