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Still waiting for Maya support

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  • #16
    I hope maya users have to wait twice as much as max users have waited for 1.5 to be released, .
    I hope too. Then finalRender, Maxwell and Brazil will be released for Maya first and Maya market will be much more competetive. Nobody will need this Vray with it's "wait 2 years for update" timeframes.

    And about "bigger community" - guess what package uses AnimalLogic, whose images used on frontpage of I doubt that this is 3dsmax...

    I agree than Max users has waited more then enough, but Maya waited even more already, looking at max images on this forum and doesn't able to use it in Maya...


    • #17
      ok !! this time its war !!!......lets get'em its now or never.
      all max warriors report to front desk to get proper equipment mounted and installed...


      • #18
        Count me in dennis, cause we are just waiting for v 1.5 to be released to buy our licenses, so maya users will have to wait, BTW the most sold 3d app in the world is 3ds max not maya so guess wich one is a better market for a renderer.


        • #19
          XSI! XSI! XSI!

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • #20
            XSI don't need vray, it has the best mentalray integration ever, anyways, in case you want it you'll have to wait too, just like maya users will for a very loooong time.


            • #21
              XSI don't need vray, it has the best mentalray integration ever, anyways, in case you want it you'll have to wait too, just like maya users will for a very loooong time.
              yeah if you have unlimited budget for licenses and a lot of time waiting for mental ray's GI you probably don't need vray.
              Marc Lorenz
              ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


              • #22
                exactly..... Just because XSI has the best implementation of mentalray, doesn't mean that it couldn't benefit from other renderers. Frankly thats just a crazy statement. Now go slap yourself with a large trout.

                "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                • #23
                  I work with a guy who uses 1 licence of maya and is stuck rendering on that one machine because you need an additional licence of maya to network render. The quality of his images are quite good and fast as well, but I see a lot of lighting artifacts in his render from final gather. For another licence it will cost about $3000 Australian.

                  On the other side of the room, Im using viz2005 which also costs about $3000, along with vray advance (another $1000) but the ability to render over the entire network for no extra cost. I even render on his second PC because he cant use it :P

                  Anyway, My point is that the makers of MAYA probably have realised the mistake and in the next release, 1 licence also includes the ability to network render on another PC. Still not as good as vray though

                  Because of this, we also would like vray to be made for MAYA, but im guessing that before this happens, Chaos will need to be paid for the hard work done on vray for max/viz to allow for developing the version for MAYA. To me it is obvious why the delays in releasing 1.5 for max have also delayed the MAYA version. They want to get it close to perfect first!

                  rush things and you will get a buggy POS with infinate updates.

                  Maybee Chaos should be charging more to afford more resources?


                  • #24
                    Also new is mental ray for Maya Satellite, a network rendering capability that lets Maya users share the processing power of other CPUs on networked computers. With the mental ray for Maya Satellite option, Alias says that Maya 6.5 users will see faster rendering results using Interactive Photorealistic Rendering (IPR), improved interactive and batch rendering performance and faster pre-lighting of textures and vertices. Maya Complete users can use two additional CPUs; Maya Unlimited users can use up to eight.
                    So, with 6.5 he can render on 8 more CPUs, not just "another PC". As well as XSI has this new MR satellites.

                    To me it is obvious why the delays in releasing 1.5 for max have also delayed the MAYA version. They want to get it close to perfect first!
                    You know, i don't see any reasons to not hire another 10 programmers to make 3dsmax/Maya/XSI/Rhino plugins, and then Vlado could work just on stand-alone renderer core. Not even a single reason.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by photonC
                      Because Max users are currently paying clients, and they been waiting too long for this release, also I gon't think thwy'll be too happy to see time devoted to other app while they still have some bugs and a long wishlist.
                      they were using the beta long before they were paying customers. Poor cheap excuse. Carry on.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by photonC
                        I hope maya users have to wait twice as much as max users have waited for 1.5 to be released, .

                        considering you got to play with .9x and beyond betas, who the hell cares if you have to wait for 1.5, loser.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by percydaman
                          Max is always first.. always will be. Maya users will always be second rate. Think about that before buying into this hype.
                          haha do you have any idea how wrong that statement is industry wide? Since when have maya users been considered second rate to max users?
                          Just a dumb half-witted animator who covets his Max plugins like a toy collection. "look mommy.. I have 30 different particle plugins that all do different things because we're too stupid to realize that one plugin developer should be able to build a single plugin to do the same thing that all 30 plugins do, but we're happy to pay for them all so it doesn't matter."

                          In this case.. "look mommy.. I'm not really paying for Vray but pretending I'm worth something by participating in this Maya-bashing thread."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Nenad
                            I believe he was trying to say that, as Max has a bigger community than Maya, it will always have more eligible clients in the plugin market..
                            well he is wrong. Max doesn't have a larger community. Check the source of his information.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by percydaman
                              so your saying you can purchase finalrender right now for maya?
                              you can purchase Turtle right now. Hell.. you can test drive the Turtle beta. That's something that you can't do with VRAy for Maya because they won't do it. They'll gladly give their hands and feet to Max uers. Sorta reminds me of the Glu3D people.... Max is always first.. always will be. Maya users will always be second rate. Think about that before buying into this hype.
                              That wasn't my question. I was referring to finalrender. Right there in my quote. Finalrender.
                              if you are referring to FinalRender then you're in the wrong forum. THis is Vray. Right there in the topic, Vray. It says Vray. This website is about Vray. Quoting stuffa bout Vray. Check for stuff about fR. Quoting me would have you thinking you should go to


                              • #30
                                Hehe, maya must be really easy to use cuz this pixelmonk guy doesn't seem to smart...
                                Eric Boer

