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The Sun in Vray For Rhino

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  • The Sun in Vray For Rhino

    This is my second rendering in vray for rhino. You can see the picture of my problem on the jpeg here, it's the building that has awful walls between blue, and at the right, like awful white, like if it would be burnt....
    As you see on the picture, i have a problem with light.
    What i'd like is to have cloudy sky, and not so contrast in the walls.
    And I don't know why on first ground, the walls are like a little blue. I think it's reflect of the sky but i'm lost....
    To do this, i created a vray sun. I had too a sun from rhino.
    Vray sun is 1.75 size; Intensity 0.9
    On option vray, camera paramater have shutter speed is 100, f number 8 and film speeed 100.
    On option vray, environment is GI on, material is TexSky, with sun: none, skymodel preetham. I tried with Sun 1, but it's nearly the same. Refelection Background is on, but with TextBitmap, a photo of a sky, with uvw gen environment, mapping type spherical.
    So, can you please help me? I don't know what to do.
    On my first rendering, i used only rhino sun, it was far way better, and moreover, i had a really cloudy sky, like my photo. Here, i have nothing of this, it's awfull...No sky... only awful blue.... i tried to do with the same parameters of my first rendering, you can see here this first rendering that has trees, caracters.....but i don't know why, even with same paramters, this second rendering is awful. It's not the same building. Thanks so much for helping me.

  • #2
    There's many things that can be wrong in your file.
    You're supposed to have the sky showing in the background, etc. Color of your building is probably pure white and that's not realistic.
    Can you post you file here? You can replace the building with a cube of the same size.


    • #3
      Thanks so much!
      But i just tried to download here my rhino file with a cube to replace the building.
      The size is only 2 mega and it's written "wrong file".
      What is the problem with my file?
      The file i try to join has a vray sun.
      My building is not only a colour white, i tried to create a texture with mapping and bumps, i think i does'nt appear here because maybe i'm at the wrong scale.
      I don't know why it's impossible to post my file here?


      • #4
        Bonjour Sandrine,

        Je crois que le logiciel du forum n'accepte pas les fichiers .3dm. Tu devrais l'archiver en format .zip et r?-essayer.


        • #5
          Bonjour mgibeault, i try now in .rar! i hope it's ok!
          Thanks so much!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Bonjour mgibeault, i try now in .rar! i hope it's ok!
            Thanks so much!
            Sandrine CubeLundi.rar


            • #7
              Here's my attempt.
              I included the image used for the background.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Hi mgibeault!
                Thanks so much!
                I just download the file!
                Sorry, i'm beginning... the first question would be, why, in the pannel properties of the vray sun, i can only change intensity of the sun, and intensity of shadows?
                After, as i don't know, i see there is a file hdr you joined, where i have to use this file, please? Because now, rendering, i have only this picture i join, and compare to my first vray rendering, the diference is that on the first plan of the facade i had something with more contrast and a little bit darker than the other angle of the facade, that is whiter. And i would like to have again this now. Thanks so much!


                • #9
                  If you unzip the archive in one folder, the HDR file should be set as the backround in V-Ray settings.
                  As it is, you should get this result by just pressing on render (as the image I join)
                  Notice also that I changed your white material. No value should be more than RGB 240/240/240 to be realistic.
                  For a start, you should just use the sun at the default settings. Change the date/time/location or elevation/angle with the "modify sun" tools.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	CubeMardi.jpg
Views:	627
Size:	679.8 KB
ID:	980096


                  • #10
                    Hi mgibeault!
                    Thanks so much for your answer!
                    I join you here 4 pictures.
                    On each, i write something, to explain.
                    On the first picture, it show that i throwed the old vray sun, and i put a new, using only the default parameters of vray sun, and, as you can see in yellow, the sun is front of the building. I don't know if this is the better place on order to have something like the final view i show here.
                    On the second picture, i put your hdri sky on panel options of vray, and i put it on bakground, choosing "bitmap", and "uvw environment" and "spherical" maps. I don't know if this is ok, but sure, i have, finally, a sky, and i thank you very much!
                    On the third picture, i show you, with those new parameters, my rendering. As i write, for me, the cube is too much dark. And, i have another question, when you write that you changed the material on the cube, is it normal that i have no material on my vray maerial panel? I don't know if i explain me well, but, for this material, in french we are saying "enduit blanc projet?", and i don't know well how to translate, i think it's the irregular white material you have on a concrete building on which you put a projection of painting, white, and the thing to create, and that's why i was trying to use on vray bump, but, without knowing well the good scale to applicate, and the good parameters, is a material that has like little asperity, and, sometimes, in a realistic way, like little dirtiness at sometimes. I join you too, photos of what is "enduit projet?". Sometimes, it's like roughness, but, sometimes, it can be softer. On buildings, it uses to see like a white texture, that seems the same, but with little asperities.
                    On the fourth picture, i join you my final rendering. But, as i write on the picture, as i wasn't able to do in vray, i selectied on photoshop the entire building, in order to contrast more and saturate more. And.... the same for the glass of the windows, the same for the grass, and the same for the vegetation.... but sure, i would like to learn it in vray because it's so long in photoshop... but today, i don't know how to do. My first big problem is the sun, the material of the building, the contrasts, the grass, and the vegetation.
                    Thanks so much for help me!


                    • #11
                      Bonjour Sandrine,

                      The materials didn't transfer because you use V-Ray 2 and I'm on V-Ray 3...
                      You have to adjust the sun with two parameters; its angle relative to the horizon and its angle relative to your scene (viewed from top)
                      The angle relative to the horizon is very important; it controls the intensity and the color of both the sun and the skylight. When you place it like you did, it's like if it was the time when the sun is down (coucher du soleil) so it's dim and with strong coloring.
                      But you should follow some tutorials, there's a lot of them available on architectural renderings. Look at for a start.


                      • #12
                        Hi mgibeault!
                        Thanks so much!
                        I'm going to see on Flying Architecture. The only thing is that i hope as i have vray 2, that it's go for the tutorial!
                        I did a lot of tutorial, but really, i don't understand very well the sun in vray!


                        • #13
                          An other way would be to forget the Vray sun. Use a nice sky environment HDRI and a dir light with a light warm tint. (Most I go this way. )
                 ... visualization for designer and architects

