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A scene refuses to render past the first pass of the irradiance map

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  • A scene refuses to render past the first pass of the irradiance map

    In the end, I need to render a scene at 8000x4000. Currently I am able to render the scene at 1600x800, but at 2000x1000px the computer hangs on the first pass of the irradiance map. After the whole night, it is still on zero percent. If I drop the resolution slightly to 1000x500, it is able to render the scene in an hour or two.

    More information:

    Using vray for rhino 2: Computer has 28gb ram, i7 4770k processor.

    It looks like the computer wants to use as much RAM as is available. At the 1600x800 scene it uses the whole 28gb of ram.


    Is there anything I can change to be able to render the scene in the irradiance map settings? Is there a way to trade RAM for speed, so that the render takes longer, uses less memory, but is completed in the end?

    I have 3 rectangular lights, 8 spot lights, no sun, using GI hdr map to light the model through the environment settings. Is this a complex scene? If so, what are the best settings to use to aid processing of the scene?

    Here is the output and scene specs:

    Preparing renderer...
    Preparing scene for rendering...
    [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=1.033333
    [RenderView] numCameraTMs=62, numFrames=31, frameSamples=2
    Creating bitmap manager
    Initializing built-in VFB.
    [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=1.033333
    [RenderView] numCameraTMs=62, numFrames=31, frameSamples=2
    Preparing camera sampler.
    Preparing scene for frame...
    Compiling geometry...
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/rammed earth/RammedEarth-TILED/rammedEarthDisp2.png" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Wood/glulam/glulam-seamless-texture-bump.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Wood/decking/wood-decking-normal.png" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/carpet/Carpet_10_by_juliogo8455/Carpet_10_NORMAL.png" loaded.
    Preparing ray server.
    Creating and initializing 8 thread(s).
    Allocating memory for build data of 478355 faces (3826840 bytes, 3.6 MB).
    Initializing face build data.
    Creating 'done' event.
    Starting first thread.
    Waiting for thread completion.
    Releasing thread resources.
    SDTree statistics:
    Total number of faces stored: 478355
    Max tree depth: 57
    Average tree depth: 25.9614
    Number of tree nodes: 327755
    Number of tree faces: 2123686
    Number of tree leafs: 121171
    Average faces/leaf: 17.5264
    Memory usage: 54.35 MB
    Scene bounding box is [-186.335,-397.194,-67]-[347.665,166.051,76.0958]
    Preparing direct light manager.
    Preparing global light manager.
    Irradiance sample size is 84 bytes
    Photon size is 56 bytes.
    Light cache sample size is 120 bytes.
    1 interpolation maps registered
    Rendering interpolation maps with minRate=-3 and maxRate=-2
    Setting up 8 thread(s)
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Wood/decking/wood-decking-diff.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Tile/grenada yellow and green/granadaTileYellowGreenBorder/tileGranadaYellowGreenBorderBump.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Tile/grenada yellow and green/granadaTileYellowGreenBorder/tileGranadaYellowGreenBorderDiffuse.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Tile/grenada yellow and green/granadaTileYellowGreen/tileGranadaYellowGreenBump.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Tile/grenada yellow and green/granadaTileYellowGreen/tileGranadaYellowGreenDiffuse.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:\Users\matus\Desktop\2011-02-Aukett\03-textures\lampa\wood2.jpg" failed to load: [LoadImageFile] Failed to open file: no such file
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Wood/glulam/glulam-seamless-texture.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Wood/old-wood warm wood/wood2.jpg" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/Flashlight_Metal_Body/brush.png" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/rammed earth/RammedEarth-TILED/rammedEarthBump.png" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/rammed earth/RammedEarth-TILED/rammedEarthDiff.png" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/HDRI_environment_maps/1/hdrmaps_com_free_080_6K.hdr" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C:/Users/johnny/Dropbox/_TEXTURES/_CAD blocks/book shelf/modern/books/knjige_diffuse.png" loaded.
    Bitmap file "C://Users/johnny/Dropbox/Huerta/directory/wood-saturated-oak-texture.jpg" failed to load: [LoadImageFile] Failed to open file: no such file
    Bitmap file "C://Users/johnny/Dropbox/Huerta/directory/05_NORMAL.jpg" failed to load: [LoadImageFile] Failed to open file: no such file
    Bitmap file "C://Users/johnny/Dropbox/Huerta/directory/05_DIFFUSE.jpg" failed to load: [LoadImageFile] Failed to open file: no such file

    ################hang occurs here

    Threads completed
    Calling endPass() on irradiance maps
    Calling prePassDone() on irradiance maps
    Image prepass completed.
    Number of raycasts: 9522251
    Camera rays: 1455
    Shadow rays: 5597981
    GI rays: 9518306
    Reflection rays: 1154
    Refraction rays: 2010
    Unshaded rays: 0
    Clearing global light manager.
    Clearing direct light manager.
    Clearing ray server.
    Last edited by kv1; 13-01-2018, 11:44 AM.

  • #2
    Would RAM usage be decreased if I use GI brute force for primary bounces, no secondary bounces, without the irradiance map that's causing the render to crash?


    • #3
      From the committed RAM does it mean that the render would like to use 60gb of ram in addition to the 20 it's already using?


      • #4
        Could you show the global switch and system options?
        Are you using very large textures?
        What is your polygon count?

        Some of my old RAM save tricks:
        * extractrendermesh and delete the NURBS objects. Save it as temporary Rhino file. Open this file should help to save RAM.
        * start a rendering and after you pressed the render button open a new empty Rhino file. I used this little script, but you can do it manually too. (So, the scene is transfered to the RAM and Rhino is cleared and not wasting the RAM anymore, during Vray is working.)

        -_RunScript (
        If Rhino.DocumentModified(False)Then
        Call Rhino.Command ("-_New ""Small Objects - Millimeters""",vbFalse)
        End If

        Also you could render to vrimg, but you need extra steps to extract your image from the vrimg later. So, the frame buffer is using much less RAM.

        (Install more RAM and your life will be easier. )
        Last edited by Micha; 14-01-2018, 01:59 AM. ... visualization for designer and architects


        • #5
          Hello Micha,

          Yesterday I ran brute force for the GI as both secondary and primary bounces. I suspect computer ran out of swap+ram and crashed (before cleared 60gb of swap for it to use).

          Thanks so much for your response. I extracted the render mesh, and deleted everything else. The filesize is still a bit large at 200mb for the file, not sure why. I bought 32 gb of RAM. With next paycheck that may go up to 64 haha but for now until the new RAM arrives it's 28gb and 60gb of swap on an SSD. That's 90gb of memory the scene can use, which I hope will relieve the bottleneck a bit.

          For the script, how much RAM would it clear? Around the 2GB that rhino uses before it starts rendering, or is the result more dramatic?

          The polycount is:

          There are 183157 quadrilateral polygons and 114979 triangular polygons in this model
          There would be 481293 total triangular polygons in this model after forced triangulation

          Your simulacrum site is very cool!


          • #6
            What is the maximum resolution of textures I should be using? Is 600x400 fine? Or around 500x500 for squares? I looked through my textures and a few are 1024x1024, which is a bit big. Could that be causing the problem?


            • #7
              Large texture are for me 3000x3000 or bigger. Your polygon count is quite low, a few 1.000.000 should be no problem. Also a fie size of 200 MB isn't o big. Also your options are looking fine.

              Are you using displacement?

              I don't understand why your scene needs so much RAM. Such a large swap I never have seen.

              Are you using Rhino 5 32bit?

              Maybe there is a problem with a texture file. In the past I have seen if files are not RGB or JPG. So, I try to use RGB PNG most.

              You could disable "maps" at the global switch - is the RAM usage fine so? Also you could hide some parts and look, will it render? So you could find the objects that cause the trouble.
     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #8
                Hi kv1,

                Could you please send us an archived copy of the project with all related assets (V-Ray menu > Pack Scene) and we will investigate in detail?
                You are welcome to send it via a file-sharing service of your choice to

