Mk, I wasnt able to find a direct answer or question already in existance for what im asking.
Im working with architectural rendring, but people want various styles of interior design. One of these little querks is volume glass scupltures and the like.
I was able to find an example of what I wanted to do, except its in FinalRender instead of V-ray.
(7th picture down - the pink one)
Please ignore the NAME of the material he's presenting, I just cant seem to get that specific effect with Vray at the moment. fading from a thick color to a thin clear color based on the thickness of the glass. It would be very nice to have for people who want custom bars or crazy colored light fixtures and other center pieces inside their homes or buisness places depending on what we get.
Pretty much Im trying v-ray out to see if we're going to buy lisences for it for actual jobs.
Any hints? Possible Solutions?
So far all im able to do is just color up the glass a bit, but not with enough controll to make one section very clear wile the thicker end is almost solid color. It just goes black, with colored areas where its thinner.
Im working with architectural rendring, but people want various styles of interior design. One of these little querks is volume glass scupltures and the like.
I was able to find an example of what I wanted to do, except its in FinalRender instead of V-ray.
(7th picture down - the pink one)
Please ignore the NAME of the material he's presenting, I just cant seem to get that specific effect with Vray at the moment. fading from a thick color to a thin clear color based on the thickness of the glass. It would be very nice to have for people who want custom bars or crazy colored light fixtures and other center pieces inside their homes or buisness places depending on what we get.
Pretty much Im trying v-ray out to see if we're going to buy lisences for it for actual jobs.
Any hints? Possible Solutions?
So far all im able to do is just color up the glass a bit, but not with enough controll to make one section very clear wile the thicker end is almost solid color. It just goes black, with colored areas where its thinner.