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Making maps absorb GI

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  • Making maps absorb GI

    If you adjust the output of a map within max using the curves provided, and you take part of the map below 0, does that mean that the material will "absorb" GI?

    I have a diffuse map that's easier to adjust in Max than in PS to get what I want, and I'm curious about how this affects the GI solutions with VRay. I know that if I take the map's output above 1, that the map will generate light in the scene (because it bounces more than it receives). Is the inverse true?

  • #2
    Nope, it clamps at 0.0, however much you push it.
    I tried -1000.0 as rgb multiplier, and 0.0 and there is no difference whatsoever in speed or final image results



    • #3
      That's great to know. Thanks!

      I can see the need for having and adsorbing material, but I was just afraid what I was doing would be unintentionally doing that.


      • #4
        Negative lights are the only things that can do that really. Black materials kill light but can't actively suck it out of a scene in the way you describe.

