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LC for interior animation w/ skydome?

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  • LC for interior animation w/ skydome?

    I'm working on an interior patient room scene that I will be animating and I currently have the scene set with beestee's sky and treeline rig w/ the physical sky off in the distance through the windows.

    In the past I have always resorted to brute force for my animations, but I really want to give LC a go this time. But my question is this, to do a flythrough precalc with LC as a secondary, you have to use world scale and not screen scale RIGHT? Which means if I used world scale I would be wasting 90% of my subdivisions on the skydome and not the actual interior??

    I've tried it so far and even going as high as 3000 subdivisions with LC I am yet to get a usable solution for the animation :-\

    So I guess the simple question is.... Is it possible to use LC for an interior animation with a skydome. And if it is.... am I overlooking something?

    attached is a preview of the scene to see what I'm working with....

    thanks for any insight.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    1) Why are you even using a physical dome?
    2) Why would you not exclude this dome from the gi calculations?
    3) Is it doing anything else than displaying your BG image?
    Last edited by trixian; 05-12-2007, 11:10 AM.
    Signing out,


    • #3
      LC doesn't have to use world scale in my experience.
      Marc Lorenz
      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


      • #4
        Originally posted by trixian View Post
        1) Why are you even using a physical dome?
        2) Why would you not explude this dome from the gi calculations?
        3) Is it doing anything else than displaying your BG image?
        1. the dome is mapping the clouds into the scene over the color of the vraySky
        2. duh.... didn't think of that one yet...good idea
        3. BG is the vray sky, dome is just adding the clouds....

        Originally posted by plastic_ View Post
        LC doesn't have to use world scale in my experience.
        you're right I ended up getting good results with leaving it on screen w/ 3000 subdivs...


