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"bucket mode" but more smarter for DR

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  • "bucket mode" but more smarter for DR


    I am starting now the 3rd time to write that posting cos I not know how to be clear

    DR 10 PC - we wait for LC - then we wait for IRmap - then the render start

    LC is single PC only - maybe it will be DR somewhen - ok

    IRpass - imagen 99% are done but one bucket is missing and sadly taking looooong to finish
    all pc wait and are idle

    now the difficult stuff to explain
    during render the master pc gather all GI infos "on the fly" (not at the end) and start
    render immidently all buckets without "missing GI bucktes next to buckte in question"

    image with 4 buckets X and Y

    D = GI bucket done
    M= bucket missing
    R = render me


    here we can render 2 buckets

    it is similar to the GI "bucket mode" but it will give propper GI solutions on the borders cos we have all GI informations from the "neighbor" buckets

    no idle time and immident feetback from render
    Vlado is smart enought to combine bucketsize with "GI map interpolation radius(?)" to maximize the performance

    did someone get me ?
    - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
    RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
    just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->

  • #2
    The GI samples are actually gathered by the client machine on the fly; not when the irradiance prepasses are complete, so that part is already done

    As for directly starting the rendering without waiting for the complete irradiance map, one of the earlier builds actually did this unintentionally; it seemed to work mostly, but there were a few issues when the irradiance map was not quite complete yet.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

