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Sd tree size and high resolutions

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  • Sd tree size and high resolutions

    I have a rather large scene with lots of Geometry 3+ million and alot of it has glossy reflections and displacement. i'm also using area lights. I know how crazy all that stuff is, but I also need to render it at like 9,000 by 7,000.

    Right now can render at 4,000 by 3000 and I'm toping out my machine's ram. When I compute the sd tree my mem usage is about 2.5 gigs ( I have a dual xeon hyperthreaded with the windows xp 3 gig swtich on)

    I was wondering if the sd tree is tied to the resolution of the image, and if so, is there anyway to make smaller? like for some of my images I've rendered irradence maps at lower res and then used thhse for higher res images. Is there anyway I can do something like that? Or any other ideas?

    Any help or ideas would be great.

  • #2
    hmmm, try to decrease the MAx tree depth value and increase the Face Level coef in the System rollout of vray.
    But Dont expect wonder, but It mght help, Also this will slow down the rendering a bit, but might takes less memory.


    • #3
      Don't know if u use /3GB already. If not look here or wait for the new Vray .
      Sascha Geddert


      • #4
        also you can use the region net render script which will split up your large images into more managable images (even if you only have one computer its usefull for the splitting)

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          Did you try switching off the VFB for the high resolution?
          This signature is only a temporary solution

