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Texture Baking tutorials

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  • #61
    Originally posted by n6
    Go to the download section and get the vray img converter.
    okay, I lied, another question.... which download section do you mean? in the Vray support section there is only the vraymesh to ply converter and I'm sure you dont mean this one. Is there another download section that I missed?


    edit: and I cant download the vraymesh to ply converter, its not available anymore eventhough its listed in the vray tools section...

    edit 2: ok I found it in the forums, but its not in the download section anymore, for anyone also looking for it, find it here
    "Scottie? What's the status?" "Ion repulsors damaged, warp core unstable and fluctuating" "How long until we're ready for warpspeed?" "In about 4 hours, captain" "Scottie, you've got 2 hours" "I'll do it in 1 captain"


    • #62
      sorry for the double post, but I need some more information on the converting process from vrayimg to exr. do you save the in the sRGB format?

      I know I could try this out by myself but I'm very limited timewise, I still gotta produce websites apart from testing baking

      "Scottie? What's the status?" "Ion repulsors damaged, warp core unstable and fluctuating" "How long until we're ready for warpspeed?" "In about 4 hours, captain" "Scottie, you've got 2 hours" "I'll do it in 1 captain"


      • #63
        Originally posted by schmyvol_eye
        sorry for the double post, but I need some more information on the converting process from vrayimg to exr. do you save the in the sRGB format?

        I know I could try this out by myself but I'm very limited timewise, I still gotta produce websites apart from testing baking

        I dont remember what srgb mean but what you need is to export the exr as 32bit and thats the default parameter I think. So the only parameter you need is : -channel RawGI

        If you would transfert some work to France you would then have enough time for webmastering ...


        • #64
          Originally posted by n6
          If you would transfert some work to France you would then have enough time for webmastering ...
          I suppose that would work, too bad I almost speak no french... I should have payed attention at school I guess but hey

          I'd much rather be working on my realtime scene though... I'm busy designing a webpagelayout, but the customer gave me this template from an already existing brochure... and the colors suck. its hard trying to make something look nice when the colors given are so ugly. but I suppose tastes differ, right?

          thanks for the info n6!
          "Scottie? What's the status?" "Ion repulsors damaged, warp core unstable and fluctuating" "How long until we're ready for warpspeed?" "In about 4 hours, captain" "Scottie, you've got 2 hours" "I'll do it in 1 captain"

