Not to keep shamin' Juju on the subject, but I am AMAZED at how many graphic designers even don't understand that DPI only determines the print size of an image. I can't count the number of times I've sent out a rendering that was 72dpi since that's what comes out of max and I get an email back from the marketing graphics guy asking for a 300dpi version.
It's gotten to the point now where I just say "Sure! Check the FTP in a few minutes." and reset the dpi in Photoshop. It's so much easier than trying to convince them a 3200x2000 pixel image IS high enough for print, regardless of the 72dpi.
Thanks for the post, Juju. Now I've just gotta get everyone else in my office to conform to 8-bit texture resolution sizes.
It's gotten to the point now where I just say "Sure! Check the FTP in a few minutes." and reset the dpi in Photoshop. It's so much easier than trying to convince them a 3200x2000 pixel image IS high enough for print, regardless of the 72dpi.
Thanks for the post, Juju. Now I've just gotta get everyone else in my office to conform to 8-bit texture resolution sizes.