I know this topic has been covered in many different places - all of which are very confusing. So I am starting a clean scene and am looking for help. I've taken two photos, the first which is an empty scene and a second which has a coffee mug on the table for reference. I want to put a fake coffee mug with proper shadows on the first photo (so that it feels like the shadow falls on the table and the mug fits in.)
First photo - without coffee mug:

Second photo - with coffee mug:

I've included a basic scene which is not accurately setup (lighting-wise.) I'm not looking for total accuracy at the moment but the method:
Download Max 8 Scene Here
1) What's the best way to match a photo to a max scene. Simply a plane with a bitmap applied ot it then align a camera?
2) How do I isolate the vray shadow, and superimpose it on a photo in Photoshop? This brings into several other questions:
a) Which vray properties need to be rendered out
b) Does alpha contribution on the plane have to be set to -1?
c) I've hear of other people using a matte material - is this the vraywapper material or the max matte/shadow material?
First photo - without coffee mug:

Second photo - with coffee mug:

I've included a basic scene which is not accurately setup (lighting-wise.) I'm not looking for total accuracy at the moment but the method:
Download Max 8 Scene Here
1) What's the best way to match a photo to a max scene. Simply a plane with a bitmap applied ot it then align a camera?
2) How do I isolate the vray shadow, and superimpose it on a photo in Photoshop? This brings into several other questions:
a) Which vray properties need to be rendered out
b) Does alpha contribution on the plane have to be set to -1?
c) I've hear of other people using a matte material - is this the vraywapper material or the max matte/shadow material?