hi everyone, i am new to vray sky and sun and vray physical cam.
i am here to ask about the elimination of those splotch and blotch (in this case the splotch and blotches are on the left wall of my scene, it's not obvious, it's just bothers me alot) that occurs everytime i render with vray sun and sky for interior scene.
my settings are:
irrmap: everything default, low
lightcache : subdivision 200
ticked the pre-filter
ticked the "use lightcahce for glossy ray"
color mapping : reinhard
multiplier :1
burn value : 0.8
gamma : 1.8
vray sun : intensity multiplier : 0.05
vray cam :shutter speed : 1
the rest i left it at default.
the reason why i lower the sun intensity multiplier is that i don't really like to type a lots of zeros behind my other vray lights' intensity multiplier.
i hope some of you good people will help me on this issue, because i really like doing scene with vraysun/sky system. they are fast, and produce nicer results.
ps: the reason why i did it with irrmap, is to have a fast rendering. i know if i change it to vlado's universal settings, the rendering would become much nicer, but i don't have the luxury for time....
thanks again
DOminique Laksmana
i am here to ask about the elimination of those splotch and blotch (in this case the splotch and blotches are on the left wall of my scene, it's not obvious, it's just bothers me alot) that occurs everytime i render with vray sun and sky for interior scene.
my settings are:
irrmap: everything default, low
lightcache : subdivision 200
ticked the pre-filter
ticked the "use lightcahce for glossy ray"
color mapping : reinhard
multiplier :1
burn value : 0.8
gamma : 1.8
vray sun : intensity multiplier : 0.05
vray cam :shutter speed : 1
the rest i left it at default.
the reason why i lower the sun intensity multiplier is that i don't really like to type a lots of zeros behind my other vray lights' intensity multiplier.
i hope some of you good people will help me on this issue, because i really like doing scene with vraysun/sky system. they are fast, and produce nicer results.
ps: the reason why i did it with irrmap, is to have a fast rendering. i know if i change it to vlado's universal settings, the rendering would become much nicer, but i don't have the luxury for time....
thanks again
DOminique Laksmana
