Since Max doesn't have a human readable mat format, I made a MEL script that spits out a MaxScript to use in Max for any selected material. It was originally a Unix shell script I wrote and you can see the results here:
The newer code writes out to a text file and, on OS X the results are sent to the clipboard automatically (this isn't doable on Windows, from what I can tell). The script doesn't do subtextures, since that's the easy part, with all the other stuff like subdivs and Fresnel, trace depth, etc. being taken care of by the script. The script is part of my V-Ray Tuner 2 script but here's the code if you'd rather have it on it's own:
This is for V-Ray 1.5 materials but I'll be doing another for V-Ray 2 format soon:
The newer code writes out to a text file and, on OS X the results are sent to the clipboard automatically (this isn't doable on Windows, from what I can tell). The script doesn't do subtextures, since that's the easy part, with all the other stuff like subdivs and Fresnel, trace depth, etc. being taken care of by the script. The script is part of my V-Ray Tuner 2 script but here's the code if you'd rather have it on it's own:
This is for V-Ray 1.5 materials but I'll be doing another for V-Ray 2 format soon:
global proc vray15MatConverter() { string $mySelection[] = `ls -sl`; float $myDiffuse[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".diffuseColor")`; float $myDiffuseMax[] = {($myDiffuse[0] * 255), ($myDiffuse[1] * 255), ($myDiffuse[2] * 255)}; float $myRoughness = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".roughnessAmount")`; float $myreflectionColor[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflectionColor")`; float $myreflectionColorMax[] = {($myreflectionColor[0] * 255), ($myreflectionColor[1] * 255), ($myreflectionColor[2] * 255)}; float $myfresnelIOR = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".fresnelIOR")`; float $myrefractionIOR = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionIOR")`; float $myreflectionGlossiness = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflectionGlossiness")`; int $myreflectionSubdivs = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflectionSubdivs")`; int $myuseFresnel = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".useFresnel")`; string $booluseFresnel = ($myuseFresnel == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myreflectionsMaxDepth = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflectionsMaxDepth")`; float $myreflectionExitColor[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflectionExitColor")`; float $myreflectionExitColorMax[] = {($myreflectionExitColor[0] * 255), ($myreflectionExitColor[1] * 255), ($myreflectionExitColor[2] * 255)}; int $myreflInterpolation = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflInterpolation")`; string $boolmyreflInterpolation = ($myreflInterpolation == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myrefrInterpolation = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refrInterpolation")`; string $boolmyrefrInterpolation = ($myrefrInterpolation == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myhilightGlossinessLock = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".hilightGlossinessLock")`; string $boolhilightGlossinessLock = ($myhilightGlossinessLock == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $mylockFresnelIORToRefractionIOR = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".lockFresnelIORToRefractionIOR")`; string $boolmylockFresnelIORToRefractionIOR = ($mylockFresnelIORToRefractionIOR == 0) ? "false" : "true"; float $myrefractionColor[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionColor")`; float $myrefractionColorMax[] = {($myrefractionColor[0] * 255), ($myrefractionColor[1] * 255), ($myrefractionColor[2] * 255)}; float $myrefractionGlossiness = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionGlossiness")`; int $myrefractionSubdivs = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionSubdivs")`; float $myfogColor[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".fogColor")`; float $myfogColorMax[] = {($myfogColor[0] * 255), ($myfogColor[1] * 255), ($myfogColor[2] * 255)}; float $myfogMult = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".fogMult")`; float $myfogBias = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".fogBias")`; int $myaffectShadows = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".affectShadows")`; string $boolmyaffectShadows = ($myaffectShadows == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myaffectAlpha = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".affectAlpha")`; string $boolmyaffectAlpha = ($myaffectAlpha == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myrefractionsMaxDepth = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionsMaxDepth")`; float $myrefractionExitColor[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionExitColor")`; float $myrefractionExitColorMax[] = {($myrefractionExitColor[0] * 255), ($myrefractionExitColor[1] * 255), ($myrefractionExitColor[2] * 255)}; int $myrefractionExitColorOn = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".refractionExitColorOn")`; string $boolmyrefractionExitColorOn = ($myrefractionExitColorOn == 0) ? "false" : "true"; float $myscatterCoeff = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".scatterCoeff")`; float $myscatterDir = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".scatterDir")`; float $mytranslucencyColor[] = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".translucencyColor")`; float $mytranslucencyColorMax[] = {($mytranslucencyColor[0] * 255), ($mytranslucencyColor[1] * 255), ($mytranslucencyColor[2] * 255)}; int $mybrdfType = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".brdfType")`; float $myanisotropy = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".anisotropy")`; float $myanisotropyRotation = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".anisotropyRotation")`; float $mysoftenEdge = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".softenEdge")`; int $mytraceReflections = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".traceReflections")`; string $boolmytraceReflections = ($mytraceReflections == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $mytraceRefractions = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".traceRefractions")`; string $boolmytraceRefractions = ($mytraceRefractions == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myreflectOnBackSide = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".reflectOnBackSide")`; string $boolmyreflectOnBackSide = ($myreflectOnBackSide == 0) ? "false" : "true"; int $myuseIrradianceMap = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".useIrradianceMap")`; string $boolmyuseIrradianceMap = ($myuseIrradianceMap == 0) ? "false" : "true"; float $mybumpMult = `getAttr ($mySelection[0] + ".bumpMult")`; string $maxScriptTemplate = "objs = selectByName title:\"Select the objects you want to create a VRay material for\"\n\ for obj in objs do \(\n\ newMat = VRayMtl\(\)\n\ newMat.diffuse = [" + $myDiffuseMax[0] + "," + $myDiffuseMax[1] + "," + $myDiffuseMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.diffuse_roughness = " + $myRoughness + "\n\ newMat.reflection = [" + $myreflectionColorMax[0] + "," + $myreflectionColorMax[1] + "," + $myreflectionColorMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.reflection_glossiness = " + $myreflectionGlossiness + "\n\ newMat.reflection_subdivs = " + $myreflectionSubdivs + "\n\ newMat.reflection_fresnel = " + $booluseFresnel + " \n\ newMat.reflection_maxDepth = " + $myreflectionsMaxDepth + "\n\ newMat.reflection_exitColor = [" + $myreflectionExitColorMax[0] + "," + $myreflectionExitColorMax[1] + "," + $myreflectionExitColorMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.reflection_useInterpolation = " + $boolmyreflInterpolation + "\n\ newMat.reflection_lockGlossiness = " + $boolhilightGlossinessLock + "\n\ newMat.hilight_glossiness = " + $myreflectionGlossiness + "\n\ newMat.reflection_ior = " + $myfresnelIOR + "\n\ newMat.reflection_lockIOR = " + $boolmylockFresnelIORToRefractionIOR + "\n\ newMat.refraction = [" + $myrefractionColorMax[0] + "," + $myrefractionColorMax[1] + "," + $myrefractionColorMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.refraction_glossiness = " + $myrefractionGlossiness + "\n\ newMat.refraction_subdivs = " + $myrefractionSubdivs + "\n\ newMat.refraction_ior = " + $myrefractionIOR + "\n\ newMat.refraction_fogColor = [" + $myfogColorMax[0] + "," + $myfogColorMax[1] + "," + $myfogColorMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.refraction_fogMult = " + $myfogMult + "\n\ newMat.refraction_fogBias = " + $myfogBias + "\n\ newMat.refraction_affectShadows = " + $boolmyaffectShadows + "\n\ newMat.refraction_affectAlpha = " + $myaffectAlpha + "\n\ newMat.refraction_maxDepth = " + $myrefractionsMaxDepth + "\n\ newMat.refraction_exitColor = [" + $myrefractionExitColorMax[0] + "," + $myrefractionExitColorMax[1] + "," + $myrefractionExitColorMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.refraction_useExitColor = " + $boolmyrefractionExitColorOn + "\n\ newMat.refraction_useInterpolation = " + $boolmyrefrInterpolation + "\n\ newMat.translucency_scatterCoeff = " + $myscatterCoeff + "\n\ newMat.translucency_fbCoeff = " + $myscatterDir + "\n\ newMat.translucency_color = [" + $mytranslucencyColorMax[0] + "," + $mytranslucencyColorMax[1] + "," + $mytranslucencyColorMax[2] + "]\n\ newMat.brdf_type = " + $mybrdfType + "\n\ newMat.anisotropy = " + $myanisotropy + "\n\ newMat.anisotropy_rotation = " + $myanisotropyRotation + "\n\ newMat.soften = " + $mysoftenEdge + "\n\ newMat.option_traceReflection = " + $boolmytraceReflections + "\n\ newMat.option_traceRefraction = " + $boolmytraceRefractions + "\n\ newMat.option_reflectOnBack = " + $boolmyreflectOnBackSide + "\n\ newMat.option_useIrradMap = " + $boolmyuseIrradianceMap + "\n\ newMat.texmap_bump_multiplier = " + $mybumpMult + "\n\ obj.material = newMat \n\ \)\n"; string $singleFilter = "All Files (*.*)"; string $result[] = `fileDialog2 -fileFilter $singleFilter -dialogStyle 2`; $exampleFileName = $result[0]; $fileId=`fopen $exampleFileName "w"`; fprint $fileId $maxScriptTemplate; fclose $fileId; if( `about -win`) { system $result[0]; } else if ( `about -mac`) { system ("open -a /Applications/ " + $result[0]); //Dave's personal setting system ("cat " + $result[0] + " | pbcopy"); } }