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Toolbar collection of useful render tools

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  • #46
    Re: Toolbar collection of useful render tools

    Originally posted by hesam59
    hi dear micha...
    i download this toolbar... and import in rhino
    and work it
    but... when press camera progection at mesh botton... i see : Unknown command: _TextureMapScreenSpace
    and.. please... say ..true path to install
    sorry for my bad english :P
    You need to save the TextureProjectionTools.rhp somewhere you like and dragP&drop it to the Rhino viewport. So, the plugin is installed and the command should work. - visualization for designer and architects


    • #47
      Re: Toolbar collection of useful render tools

      Hey i have a video in spanish that explains the installation of this toolbar.


      • #48
        If the "render named views" doesn't work, this button script should work:

        -_RunScript (
        Option Explicit

        ' Renders one or more named views to a user-defined folder
        Sub RenderNamedViews

        ' Let the user pick the named view to render
        Dim render_views
        render_views = GetRenderViews
        If Not IsArray(render_views) Then Exit Sub

        ' Let the user pick the folder to save the renderings
        Dim folder
        Dim documentPath
        documentPath = Rhino.DocumentPath
        If IsNull(documentPath) Then documentPath = ""
        folder = Rhino.BrowseForFolder(documentPath, "Browse for folder", "Batch Render")
        If IsNull(folder) Then Exit Sub

        ' Save the active view
        Dim saved_view_name
        saved_view_name = Rhino.CurrentView
        Rhino.Command "_-NamedView _Save $$_save_$$ _Enter", 0

        ' Process each named view
        Dim view
        For Each view In render_views
        If IsStandardView(view) Then
        ' If the named view is a standard view
        Rhino.Command "_-SetView _World _" & view, 0
        ' If the named view is not a standard view
        Rhino.Command "_-NamedView _Restore " & view & " _Enter", 0
        End If
        ' Render the scene with the current render engine
        Rhino.Command "_-Render"
        ' Save the render to a jpg file
        Rhino.Command "_-SaveRenderWindowAs " & GetRenderFileName(folder, view, "jpg")
        ' Close the render window
        Rhino.Command "_-CloseRenderWindow"

        ' Restore the active view
        Rhino.Command "_-NamedView _Restore $$_save_$$ _Enter", 0
        Rhino.RenameView Rhino.CurrentView, saved_view_name

        ' Delete the temporary named view
        Rhino.Command "_-NamedView _Delete $$_save_$$ _Enter", 0

        End Sub

        ' Returns an array of view names to render
        Function GetRenderViews()
        GetRenderViews = vbNull
        Dim all_views, selected_views
        all_views = GetAllViews
        selected_views = Rhino.MultiListBox(all_views, "Select views to render.", "Batch Render")
        If IsArray(selected_views) Then
        GetRenderViews = selected_views
        End If
        End Function

        ' Returns a render-formatted file name
        Function GetRenderFileName(folder, view, ext)
        Dim doc, file, temp
        doc = Rhino.DocumentName
        If IsNull(doc) Then Doc = "Untitled.3dm"
        temp = "_" & view & "." & ext
        file = LCase(Replace(doc, ".3dm", temp, 1, -1, 1))
        GetRenderFileName = Chr(34) & folder & file & Chr(34)
        End Function

        ' Returns an array of both standard and named view names
        Function GetAllViews()
        Dim all_views, std_views, named_views
        std_views = GetStandardViews
        named_views = Rhino.NamedViews
        If IsArray(named_views) Then
        all_views = Rhino.JoinArrays(std_views, named_views)
        all_views = Rhino.CullDuplicateStrings(all_views)
        GetAllViews = Rhino.SortStrings(all_views)
        GetAllViews = std_views
        End If
        End Function

        ' Returns an array of standard view names
        Function GetStandardViews()
        GetStandardViews = Array("Back", "Bottom", "Front", "Left", "Perspective", "Right", "Top")
        End Function

        ' Verifies a string is a standard view name
        Function IsStandardView(str)
        IsStandardView = vbFalse
        Dim std_views, i
        std_views = GetStandardViews
        For i = 0 To UBound(std_views)
        If StrComp(std_views(i), str, 1) = 0 Then
        IsStandardView = vbTrue
        Exit For
        End If
        End Function

        Call RenderNamedViews
        ) - visualization for designer and architects


        • #49
          Today a scrip is posted at the Rhino forum that measure the distance from the camera location to a point at the view - great for z-depth channel usage and determination of the DOF range.

 ... visualization for designer and architects

