Hello guys, we all know that VrayBlender is awesome. We can even make it more awesome if we could share our material creation techniques here or any collected materials setup that already spreaded on our forums, since this is what we are lacking. I think we could make VrayBlender better by doing this. I hope all VrayBlender user (pro or novice, it doesn't really matter) could contributes here. Cheers!
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VrayBlender Material Creation Setup Collection
Material #001 - Silk
So for starter, here is our first "Material Creation Setup". I created this based on what i've learned from Viscorbel VrayMaterial Vol.1.
Diffuse : Here you can see that i created two Falloff. first, is gold silk, and second, is red silk.
Bump : I think i overcomplicated a little bit on bump.
Cellular map for creating little fuzzy. Change the density and size in properties panel to make it smaller.
Fabric fold tex is for creating small scale folded effects.
Fabric bump tex is a plain basic fabric texture in grayscale that i stretched a bit to make striped bump effects.
And mix node for mixing it together. The amount is 0.5.
Material #002 - Velvet Shiny
Hi, this is our next material, Shiny Velvet. Again, this is after my study on Viscorbel VrayMaterial Vol. 1.
Here is the setup. All we need is to experimenting with curves node to achieving the effect that we want.
I decided to change the bump method slightly. In silk material that i posted before, i use odd method by using mix node to blend the textures. but, i just realized that we have bump node for standard material. So i implemented this for this material. here is the setup. by the way, used the same textures as silk material before.
Material #004 - Velvet Crushed
Our next material is Velvet Crushed. It is a material where Velvet Shiny and Velvet Rough blended together. You could use Layered Material though, but the render times will be longer.
So i used mix node to blend them. For slot A, i plugged in Velvet Rough, and slot B for Velvet Shiny. And a dirt map textures for Mix Map slot. Then i plugged this on Diffuse.
Same as before.
can you make tire material please? like this
and brushed metal
thank you if you have time for that
Material #005 - Rubber Grimy
You're welcome kontolermpl! and for stugys, here it is, Rubber Grimy material. I hope i did it well. The brushed material will come later.
okay first, if anybody here know another way, the easier way, the better way, please let me know! i'd love to know that!
Rubber Refl.Glossiness: here is the setup. i composited two texture using layered node for masking tiled effect. I believe layered node is similar to Composite in Max but i noticed that we do not have usual blend modes (overlay, soft light etc.). i hope we can implement those blend modes too in the future
then i plugged them in to mix node on slot B. I think by doing this way, we could achieve something almost similar to how 3ds max works (refl gloss value and multiplier on tex). You can play around with Source A to changing reflection glossiness value by changing its blackness. And play around with Mix amount for changing how the tex and refl. glossiness value blended.
Rubber Bump: two layer of bumps in this rubber material. Bump 1 is bump tex from BertrandBenoit. and bump 2 is actually a same tex that plugged in to Layer Weight.
Grime Material : it is a simple material
Layered Material. After that i layered rubber and grimy material together using a dirt map. I used mix node before plug the map into weight 1 slot because i want to control its color by plugging in the tex to mix map. then change the source a and source b color. it will affect how the rubber and grimy material blended. play around with this.
that's it, sorry if my english by the way!
Hello stugys, here is the rubber grimy material. i'm sorry, i can't redistribute the textures.Attached Files
Originally posted by gimu View PostHello guys, we all know that VrayBlender is awesome. We can even make it more awesome if we could share our material creation techniques here or any collected materials setup that already spreaded on our forums, since this is what we are lacking. I think we could make VrayBlender better by doing this. I hope all VrayBlender user (pro or novice, it doesn't really matter) could contributes here. Cheers!
from Member: fleivarqui