Just downloaded the vray plugin/blender package (2.73.
from chaosgroup site, first it wouldent launch and i had to do symlink to libGLEW.so.1.6 and libtiff.so.4 and then it would start.
Then i couldent fint vray in render engine, so i went into user preferenced and tried to tick in the box but im getting errrors there too...
traceback on line 306 mod=_import_ and on line 37 from vb import 'plugins'.
Importerror: Cannot import name 'plugins'
Currently have installed blender2.71 from git repository and it works without problem.
Anyone knows why this dosent work?

Then i couldent fint vray in render engine, so i went into user preferenced and tried to tick in the box but im getting errrors there too...
traceback on line 306 mod=_import_ and on line 37 from vb import 'plugins'.
Importerror: Cannot import name 'plugins'
Currently have installed blender2.71 from git repository and it works without problem.
Anyone knows why this dosent work?