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GPU Curve Mapping OR UV mapping question

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  • GPU Curve Mapping OR UV mapping question

    Hey, guys.

    Just wondering if anyone knows how to work with the mapping for beveled curves and the GPU RT engine. The Repeat U works fine with CPU. I assume this is another GPU limitation, but if not, am I implementing something wrong? Is there a workaround?

    I'm trying to map cable normal/displacement maps and the stretching is undesirable. Adding more points along the curve does not help as it maps the entire curve to the 0-1 space, so the longer it gets the more distortion there is.

    Using an array modifier with a small mapped cylinder definitely produces undesirable performance issues due to vert count going INSANE when enough iterations are added to the curve to allow smooth bending.


    If I convert a curve to a mesh, how can I repeat the texture along the mesh without mapping every single section? For example, a 1/4" cable over 10' makes a lot of faces to map.
    The last picture shows how only part of the mesh has unique UV space. What am I missing? I haven't had much luck with Google.

    Thank you.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	VRay-Blender_Curve-Mapping_GPU.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	538.6 KB
ID:	885597
    Click image for larger version

Name:	VRay-Blender_Curve-Mapping_CPU.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	536.0 KB
ID:	885598
    Omnia Mutantur

    Origin Genesis Pro
    -i7 4790K @ 4.5GHz
    -GeForce GTX Titan X @ +200 GPU, +300 Memory x2 non-SLI
    -32GB RAM
    -Windows 10 Professional 64-bit

  • #2
    Can you share a scene that we can use to run some tests on? It will help us quickly get to the bottom of this.
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


    • #3
      I think your problem is simple not enough knowledge of basic unwrapping, after converting curve to mesh try in edit mode, U>Follow active quads. all faces selected and one face active.
      Win11 Pro 64bit, GTX 970, Standalone version: V-Ray Next 4.30.03,

