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Lighting Help

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  • Lighting Help

    I have gone through the tutorials regarding lighting, but still, am having problems. I have attached the scene with the lighting channel separate. The lights have the face as an emissive material; the light photometric is placed outside of the fixture geometry. The photometrics is set to 200W @ 148.54 lm/W at 6000K, light loss factor set to 3.4. Scene settings EV 13.31, K 6500. The rendering settings for the scene is set to interior sun and artificial, at summer solstice, 12:30 PM. Help me please!

  • #2
    So, you want to render a daylight image and to see the artificial lights, right?
    Have you turned on the lights from the Artificial Lights On button in the V-Ray for Revit ribbon?
    You need to setup the render settings in V-Ray which means: 1. turn the artificial lights on, 2. decrease the EV to something like 5-6, 3. decrease Sun intensity
    Note that V-Ray will take the summer solstice sun position from Revit but not the rest of the rendering settings.

    Ana Lyubenova
    Product Manager


    • #3
      Hi Ana,

      Yes sorry in my long list of things to mention, artificial lighting was turned on in vray. I set the EV to 9.96 and the sun intensity to 3, and it has seemed to produce a favourible render much better than the previous above. Unrelated question, how do you get a render with no background? I have set the render in Revit to be transparent, but in Vray it still renders with the environment.


      • #4
        Yes, in the VFB you see all render elements. Once you save the RGB channel only, there won't be a background.
        (Here is a reference how to save it:
        Ana Lyubenova
        Product Manager


        • #5
          So this is the RGB channel for a different view. The HDRI shows up in the glass inside of the building, however it is missing from the rest of the renders. Basically i would like it to either all be there, or not at all. Instead I have this half-half answer, with the hdri missing in every channel outside of the building.


          • #6
            Here it is with no HDRI only vray sun on the RGB channel
            Last edited by jlumsmith; 24-04-2018, 02:56 PM.

