I have gone through the tutorials regarding lighting, but still, am having problems. I have attached the scene with the lighting channel separate. The lights have the face as an emissive material; the light photometric is placed outside of the fixture geometry. The photometrics is set to 200W @ 148.54 lm/W at 6000K, light loss factor set to 3.4. Scene settings EV 13.31, K 6500. The rendering settings for the scene is set to interior sun and artificial, at summer solstice, 12:30 PM. Help me please!
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Lighting Help
So, you want to render a daylight image and to see the artificial lights, right?
Have you turned on the lights from the Artificial Lights On button in the V-Ray for Revit ribbon?
You need to setup the render settings in V-Ray which means: 1. turn the artificial lights on, 2. decrease the EV to something like 5-6, 3. decrease Sun intensity
Note that V-Ray will take the summer solstice sun position from Revit but not the rest of the rendering settings.
Ana Lyubenova
Product Manager
Hi Ana,
Yes sorry in my long list of things to mention, artificial lighting was turned on in vray. I set the EV to 9.96 and the sun intensity to 3, and it has seemed to produce a favourible render much better than the previous above. Unrelated question, how do you get a render with no background? I have set the render in Revit to be transparent, but in Vray it still renders with the environment.2 Photos
Yes, in the VFB you see all render elements. Once you save the RGB channel only, there won't be a background.
(Here is a reference how to save it: https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/...Topwindowtools)Ana Lyubenova
Product Manager
So this is the RGB channel for a different view. The HDRI shows up in the glass inside of the building, however it is missing from the rest of the renders. Basically i would like it to either all be there, or not at all. Instead I have this half-half answer, with the hdri missing in every channel outside of the building.1 Photo