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Cosmos file paths converting to UNC

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  • Cosmos file paths converting to UNC

    I'm having an issue with texture file paths converting themselves to UNC when applying a material to an object, even though UNC pathing isn't enabled in max settings, and the library location is using a drive letter rather than a UNC path in Cosmos' settings. This is a problem because our remote team each has a copy of the asset library (where Cosmos is pointing) on their own networks, so when we open a file from them, all the cosmos textures are pointing back their own network.

    Is there some work around that stops the files from changing their path name?

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting.
    our remote team each has a copy of the asset library (where Cosmos is pointing) on their own networks, so when we open a file from them, all the cosmos textures are pointing back their own network.
    Could you explain your network setup in greater details? Do you use a commonly available place to keep your library (a server for example). Cosmos assets are just like any other assets. They download to a local drive by default but you can change this if you need to.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Sure, here's how our network setup is laid out:

      Each remote employee has their workstation which Cosmos is installed on. All 3D assets are on a network attached drive on their LAN (which is mapped in windows as the Z drive), and their Cosmos settings are setup to point at this networked drive. This network attached drive is setup to sync in real time via Synctrazor to everyone else, so that when an employee opens the file of another employee all their maps, etc point to the Z drive.

      Currently, while the Cosmos settings show the library location as being on the Z drive, once a material is applied, the address of the map in the bitmap loader is a UNC path. This effectively breaks our setup, because while everyone has Z drive, our UNC paths are of course different from user to user.

      I hope that helps?


      • #4
        Hi, I am not sure that I fully understand your setup, but it sounds like there's something wrong in the setup related to Cosmos. For multiple users, Cosmos Assets must be stored on a shared location – UNC path to which should be absolutely the same for everyone. Why do you need the Synctrazor tool? What it does exactly and also I found complaints online that it has not received updates for two years now. Are you sure Synctrazor works with no issues?
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          That's the crux of the problem. The UNC paths are different between employees because they each have their own copy of the Cosmos Library locally (because it's much faster than trying to access them over a remote VPN connection). If Cosmos didn't convert locally networked drive letters to UNC, this wouldn't be an issue. I've attached a few screenshots, first shows the cosmos library settings and location (note it's using a drive letter), the seconds shows how an imported material has it's path converted to UNC, and the last is just to show that in 3ds Max the UNC path conversion is disabled, so Cosmos is definitely doing the path conversion.

          I hope this makes sense.


          • #6
            We just noticed that some of the assets in the Cosmos Library path their maps as a drive letter (even if it's a networked drive), the first fabric in the library for example. Where as others, like the first brick material in the library uses UNC paths. So it looks like an inconsistency within Cosmos as to how they are setup. If all the assets could use drive letters, that would solve our problem.


            • #7
              Hi, could you share the exact names of the assets so I can check on my end. There should not be any differences between assets from our side.
              Vladimir Krastev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                Sure, here are a few examples:

                Materials/Bricks: Stone Bricks use UNC Paths
                Materials/Collections/Corona Material Library/Fabric: Fabric Velvet uses UNC Paths

                Materials/Fabic: Stripe Red Jacquard 1431802 12cm uses drive letter paths
                Materials/Stone: Marble D 200cm uses drive letter paths
                I think there's a chance that it's only the Corona Material Library assets are using UNC paths.


                • #9
                  Hi, there is no difference in the way assets are handled in Cosmos. Also the path resolving is a 3ds Max issue not related to any renderer.
                  Vladimir Krastev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                  • #10
                    Obviously there is some thing going on with the way Cosmos is handling the file paths of different assets. Are you unable to replicate the issue with those assets I listed?


                    • #11
                      Hi I am not able to replicate it. In my asset tracker all Cosmos assets are displayed like this
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1yc3moIC6ivY3awt1THaknp3oP64SOb52&authuser=0.png
Views:	78
Size:	34.9 KB
ID:	1216531
                      Vladimir Krastev |
                      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                      • #12
                        Can you please try it with the Materials/Bricks: Stone Bricks . As you can see from my screenshot, some assets, like the one you've shown are working correctly for me, but Stone Bricks is one that is broken (as do the rest of the materials in the Corona Library Collection by the looks of it).

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Asset-Tracking_01.jpg
Views:	53
Size:	118.6 KB
ID:	1216536
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Problem-Asset_01.jpg
Views:	50
Size:	64.1 KB
ID:	1216537


                        • #13
                          Hi this material imports like all the rest on my end:
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1Hhgvcnm2CWbyztOH8AqtrmVtErhtJ64I&authuser=0.png
Views:	57
Size:	388.1 KB
ID:	1216732
                          Vladimir Krastev |
                          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                          • #14
                            Ok, interesting. I assume your G drive is a networked drive, it's not physically in your PC?


                            • #15
                              I assume your G drive is a networked drive, it's not physically in your PC?
                              Yes, it is using Google Drive. Sorry but I am not a specialist in network setup. Please open a ticket to our tech support and even though your issue does not seem related to Cosmos you might get a proper advice from them.
                              Vladimir Krastev |
                              Chaos Support Representative | contact us

