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Change default download destination

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  • Change default download destination

    It would be great to change the default path" C:\Users\[User]\Documents\Chaos Cosmos\Packages" to own path (maybe same path as Material Library).

  • #2
    Agreed. To have them point to a primary drive is completely the wrong choice and will prevent many from using the browser due to space
    Of course, you can download the assets and move them all off C but that negates the use of the browser entirely.


    • #3
      How do I specify a storage location for downloaded assets other than "Document"?
      Since the asset data of Chaos Cosmos is huge, I want to store the data on a free drive.

      OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


      • #4
        There is in fact a way to change the download location; our docs team is working to update the documentation and we'll post here when the information is available.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          You know all the secret stuff Vlado


          • #6
            Yeah, waiting for that option as well! Love the browser!


            • #7
              Hi all,

              Below are instructions on How to configure the Cosmos Browser asset download directory (on Windows)
              As Vlado mentioned, we are working to publish a documentation article on that but we don't want to keep you waiting:

              When you start downloading Cosmos Assets, these will be saved to a default local directory: C:\Users\[User]\Documents\Chaos Cosmos\Packages

              You can change this directory by editing the Cosmos Browser configuration file. To do so:
              1. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos
              2. Open the file config.json with an Editor of your choice, could be Notepad as well
              3. Find the part: "working_dir":"C:\\Users\\[Your User]\\Documents\\Chaos Cosmos" and replace the path with the new desired directory, while preserving the syntax. Save the changes to config.json
              4. Restart the installed Cosmos Browser Service (CCBService).
                To do so, in Windows go to Task Manager>Services.
              5. When the service starts again, it will create two folders under the newly specified directory: Packages and Updates.
              You will be asked to sign in to Cosmos Browser again.
              From this moment on, Cosmos assets will be downloaded to the newly created Packages

              Note: Please note that Cosmos assets downloaded previously to the default directory C:\Users\[User]\Documents\Chaos Cosmos\Packages will remain hidden from the Cosmos Browser after the new directory configuration takes effect. So, you need to delete them.

              Let me know if you encounter any problems. The final document will contain details for Mac users as well.

              Kalina Maneva
              Product Manager
              Chaos Cosmos


              • #8
                Hi Kalina,
                thanks for instructions. For me it works as described. But I need to allow of editing json file for current windows user (in file properties).


                • #9
                  Worked nicely, thanks for the quick fix!


                  • #10
                    Hi Kalina,

                    And to configure for a network folder?

                    Thx in advance..
                    Nicolau Pais

                    My current hardware setup: HP Z820 32-Core Dual E5-2670 128GB RAM - NVIDIA® RTX 3060


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kalina.maneva View Post
                      Hi all,

                      Below are instructions on How to configure the Cosmos Browser asset download directory (on Windows)
                      As Vlado mentioned, we are working to publish a documentation article on that but we don't want to keep you waiting:

                      When you start downloading Cosmos Assets, these will be saved to a default local directory: C:\Users\[User]\Documents\Chaos Cosmos\Packages

                      You can change this directory by editing the Cosmos Browser configuration file. To do so:
                      1. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\ChaosCosmos
                      2. Open the file config.json with an Editor of your choice, could be Notepad as well
                      3. Find the part: "working_dir":"C:\\Users\\[Your User]\\Documents\\Chaos Cosmos" and replace the path with the new desired directory, while preserving the syntax. Save the changes to config.json
                      4. Restart the installed Cosmos Browser Service (CCBService).
                        To do so, in Windows go to Task Manager>Services.
                      5. When the service starts again, it will create two folders under the newly specified directory: Packages and Updates.
                      You will be asked to sign in to Cosmos Browser again.
                      From this moment on, Cosmos assets will be downloaded to the newly created Packages

                      Note: Please note that Cosmos assets downloaded previously to the default directory C:\Users\[User]\Documents\Chaos Cosmos\Packages will remain hidden from the Cosmos Browser after the new directory configuration takes effect. So, you need to delete them.

                      Let me know if you encounter any problems. The final document will contain details for Mac users as well.

                      work well with local drive, but after changed to network drive, service cant start.
                      my network drive letter is "Y"
                      error message
                      "failed to create user work directories","error":"mkdir y:: The system cannot find the path specified.","stacktrace":"main.(*App).Start\n\tC:/gitlab/builds/xsCDsLbv/0/galaxy/content-browser/service/cmd/cbservice/main.go:245\nmain.(*cbservice).Start.func1\n\tC:/gitlab/builds/xsCDsLbv/0/galaxy/content-browser/service/cmd/cbservice/service.go:39"}


                      • #12
                        Thank you for the information!

                        OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


                        • #13
                          Hi cmjohncheng and idesign,

                          Storing Cosmos assets on a network location is not supported at this time but I have added it to our list with future improvements.
                          I hope we'll have a solution to this problem soon. We will keep you posted!

                          Kalina Maneva
                          Product Manager
                          Chaos Cosmos


                          • #14
                            most poeple use nas-drives for there assets. And you dont think about it when release such a service. That´s a joke!! very poor job! Sorry


                            • #15
                              Hi lightpixel,
                              I understand your frustration.
                              Our team takes this request very seriously and I hope we'll have a solution to this problem soon.

                              Kalina Maneva
                              Product Manager
                              Chaos Cosmos

