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VRay for Rhino: water texture

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  • VRay for Rhino: water texture

    I am testing if the VRay (animated) water texture is working in Vantage. Neither the bump not the animation of the water texture seems to be working. I have exported from Rhino as .vrscene but the rendering results are not the same. Is the animated water texture working in Vantage?

  • #2
    The water texture is not supported in Vantage.
    However, I am not sure we are talking about the same thing, can you show a screen-shot of your setup in Rhino or attach a simple sample scene.

    Vladimir Nedev
    Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


    • #3
      Hey Vlad,

      thanks for the feedback. Screen shot of the VRay Asset Editor for the animated water texture:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	731
Size:	185.8 KB
ID:	1162381


      • #4
        Result in VRay (5.20.06) for Rhino 7 VFB:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	705
Size:	238.1 KB
ID:	1162383

        Result in Vantage (1.7.2):

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	690
Size:	551.6 KB
ID:	1162384


        • #5
          Yes, this texture is not supported in Vantage.

          Vladimir Nedev
          Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


          • #6
            thank you for clarifying.

            Would be great to have this working in future Vantage releases as it works fine in VRay for Rhino.

            Is there a way to animate textures (to animate water for example) between Rhino-VRay-Vantage at this point?

            I am aware that Vantage 1.8.1 offers a button to activate animated sequences now but not sure if that is available for vrscenes coming from Rhino (suspect it is only working for 3dsmax setup).



            • #7
              Hi sayed_majidi,

              As Vlado said the water texture is currently not supported in Vantage and also keep in mind that procedural textures(Noise, Marble, Smoke, etc.) and textures that modify the look of a bitmap(such as triplanar, uvw randomizer, color corrections, etc) in general are currently not supported as bump input. We plan to improve this in the future. As a workaround for animated water surface you can use a sequence of images. I found a website where you can download rendered sequence normal maps ( Those textures then you plug as Normal maps and activate the sequence option (visible only when the advance button is pressed). Please note that in order for the textures to be loaded properly the sequence has to start from 0000 and you have to rename the 0120.png otherwise the sequence won't work. Then in order for this to export as animated you have to have some kind of animation in the scene(camera or sun). To remove the obvious tiling you can use a triplanar map and a UVW Placement with Randomization. You can check also check the following threads:
              Best regards,
              Last edited by Alexander.Atanasov; 17-10-2022, 01:25 AM.
              Alexander Atanasov

              V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



              • #8
                Thank you, Alexander, for your input and suggestions. I will check out the workflow you described.

