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Modo to Lavina

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  • Modo to Lavina


    I'm testing Lavina, the engine is great and it's really promising so far considering I'm not even using an RTX card but a Titan xP, and it is running smoothly.

    However I have few issues to get the same result in the viewport as with V-Ray for Modo.

    I've read the docs and the Modo specific page but I still have issues and questions :

    - textures don't show up except the HDRI environment and a bump texture, which is weird. I've tested with absolute file paths and in an assets folder next to the .vrscene, it doesn't change the result.

    - I don't understand how I'm supposed to setup the v-ray materials in Modo : with the shader tree and layer effects or with the Schematic and connecting inputs / outputs ? Both seems to work if we don't take in account the textures issue.

    - I haven't found anything about texture mapping. It seems Modo projection isn't supported so I guess meshes have to be unwrapped, so :
    - can a texture locator be shared between textures ?
    - what settings are supported ? wrapping, tiling, rotation ?
    - how many UV channels are supported ? Can I mix several textures on different UV channels ?

    - I guess texture blend modes are not supported ?

    Thank you,

  • #2
    I'm just noticing that in fact textures are here but only visible in reflections.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	basic_test_Lavina_bug.jpg
Views:	103
Size:	352.7 KB
ID:	1079722

    Click image for larger version

Name:	basic_test_Lavina_bug_crop.jpg
Views:	94
Size:	138.1 KB
ID:	1079721
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I haven't really looked into proper support for V-Ray for Modo, so the Modo specific blending textures and the "texture locator" node are not supported.

      If you disable the "shading graph" option, textures will be computed the same way for primary and reflection rays.

      Vladimir Nedev
      Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :


      • #4
        Thanks Vladimir, now it works as intended.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	basic_test_Lavina_02.jpg
Views:	102
Size:	524.5 KB
ID:	1079728

        Is a better support planned for Modo ? Do you plan to support every software where a .vrscene export is available ? Maybe there is a roadmap somewhere ?



        • #5
          Is a better support planned for Modo ? Do you plan to support every software where a .vrscene export is available ?
          Yes, but it depends on how much each specific feature will affect the general Lavina performance.

          Vladimir Nedev
          Vantage developer, e-mail: , for licensing problems please contact :

