Hi there,
I did read some other posts about similar issues but could not find exactly what I am facing.
The setup I am using:
Windows 10 PC with 2 graphic cards:
- RTX 2080
- GTX 980
- Nvida driver 466.27 (so above the Vantage recommended version, newer won´t do as the GTX card then has issues)
- Windows 10 version 1903
Both GPU cards do work fine in 3DsMax Vray (6.1) rendering as well as do work fine with Vray benchmark.
I did select the RTX 2080 card only in the Nvidia system settings for the Vantage software. And upon startup of vantage I am still getting the "No suitable GPU device found!" error message.
Any ideas/help?
Thank you,
I did read some other posts about similar issues but could not find exactly what I am facing.
The setup I am using:
Windows 10 PC with 2 graphic cards:
- RTX 2080
- GTX 980
- Nvida driver 466.27 (so above the Vantage recommended version, newer won´t do as the GTX card then has issues)
- Windows 10 version 1903
Both GPU cards do work fine in 3DsMax Vray (6.1) rendering as well as do work fine with Vray benchmark.
I did select the RTX 2080 card only in the Nvidia system settings for the Vantage software. And upon startup of vantage I am still getting the "No suitable GPU device found!" error message.
Any ideas/help?
Thank you,
