I already read a lot about using Anima with Vantage and I just came back to that workflow since Chaos released 2.0 and announced " full compatibility" to Anima.
I already got Anima people to work:
Thanks for the help in this forum 
Now I'm facing the following problem:
When I'm using Anima in a vrscene in Vantage after a certain amount of frames the textures get messy. See the screenshot attached.
The alternative of using Live-Link is no solution in this case, since the scene is quite heavy and the Live-Link crashes when I try to reach the desired quality.
I would be super happy to get a solution as soon as possible since submission is tomorrow
Thank you for your help in advance!
PS: this really does not feel like full compatibility.
I already read a lot about using Anima with Vantage and I just came back to that workflow since Chaos released 2.0 and announced " full compatibility" to Anima.
I already got Anima people to work:
- when in Live link make sure you have Use IPR render state enabled before starting live link
- when using vrscene the assets do not update every frame in interactive mode so you have to use the "Updates image sequences and animated meshes for the current frame of the timeline" button or use the shortcut U. When rendering high quality sequence all textures and frames are updated automatically

Now I'm facing the following problem:
When I'm using Anima in a vrscene in Vantage after a certain amount of frames the textures get messy. See the screenshot attached.
The alternative of using Live-Link is no solution in this case, since the scene is quite heavy and the Live-Link crashes when I try to reach the desired quality.
I would be super happy to get a solution as soon as possible since submission is tomorrow

PS: this really does not feel like full compatibility.