Live-link from Maya is not working at all.
1. Click the Live-link to Vantage icon in maya. It makes starting Chaos Vantage automatically.

2. Vantage live link runnig both Maya and Vantage. But Vantage doesn't get any scene information from Maya.

3. The render settings for live-link is okay.

4. There is no problem with firewalls as well.

Any idea to fix the problem?
Thank you.
Live-link from Maya is not working at all.
1. Click the Live-link to Vantage icon in maya. It makes starting Chaos Vantage automatically.
2. Vantage live link runnig both Maya and Vantage. But Vantage doesn't get any scene information from Maya.
3. The render settings for live-link is okay.
4. There is no problem with firewalls as well.
Any idea to fix the problem?
Thank you.