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Phoenix FD / render node

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  • Phoenix FD / render node


    I've look around a bit and didn't find my answer,

    I was wondering if there is any render node for Phoenix FD to buy.
    I was able to find a way to buy new Phoenix FD licence, new Phoenix FD simulation node, but any Phoenix FD render node.
    Is a Phoenix FD simulation node = Phoenix FD render node
    Is there any other solution than buy a new Phoenix FD licence for a render node,
    Is there maybe an option to render a Phoenix FD setup without a licence (via Deadline / backburner etc.)

    Thanks for your time and your answer,
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello Nicolas,
    Phoenix FD can help you simulate your fluids, but in order to render, you will need V-Ray and V-Ray Render Node license.
    You can try our products with 30-days trial, which you can apply here:

    If you have further questions, you can send your questions to our support here:

    Thank you.

    Stefan Isakov

    Technical Support Team Lead
    Contact Support



    • #3
      Hello Stefan,

      Thanks for your fast answer,
      If I understand correctly your answer, there is no need for specific licencing to render Phoenix FD simulation exept our "classic" Vray licence and Vray Render node license ?

      In a way it's a very good news but i'm a bit desapointed because when we tried to render a Phoenix FD simulation with a computer with a Vray licence but no Phoenix FD licence available (the only one we had was already in use), the render show everything perfectly renderer but no fire/smoke simulation at all.
      I might have done something wrong somewhere, and by that I might not be in the right part of the forum anymore.
      Is it maybe because we tried to render it via 3DSMAX as a "classical" render and not via Deadline or Backburner, and by this not triggered the "render mode only".

      Thanks again for your time and your answer,


      • #4
        Yes, you are right about the specific licensing.
        Did you installed Phoenix FD in all of the machines, where V-Ray is rendering the Phoenix FD Simulation?
        You don't need Phoenix FD license on machine used for rendering, but you need to have Phoenix FD installed in order to be able to render the simulation correctly.
        Please try and let me know if you still have an issue.
        Thank you.
        Stefan Isakov

        Technical Support Team Lead
        Contact Support



        • #5
          Vray (52002) is installed on all of our machines (6 computers for 4 licences)
          Phoenix FD (44100) is installed on all of our machines (6 computers for 1 licence)

          Distributed licencing via "my chaos" work perfectly for everything, we use the licences tab to check who use what, we dont use the other tab "licence server".

          If I get everything right, I should be able to render 4 different projects on 4 differents computers with my setup, and everyone of those 4 projects with Phoenix FD simulation in it.
          At this moment we dont use Deadline or Backburner yet. We only render projects by hand by opening 3DSMAX project, and running the render (image sequences most of the time).
          But we can only render a single project with Phoenix FD simulation in it, other 3 project will render perfectly but without any Phoenix FD sim in it.

          I might have done something wrong somewhere, it might need some more tests but every help is welcome,

          Attached Files


          • #6
            stefan.isakov ,

            We just run some additionnal tests and it's seems we were totally wrong, I don't really know why but we tried a test with two differents projects with two differents Phoenix simulation and it look like everything is rendering fine.

            Thanks again for your time and your answer,
            Apologise again for the wrong call,



            • #7
              Thank you for your reply.
              You might also check our documentation web page below:

              Let us know if you need any assistance.
              Stefan Isakov

              Technical Support Team Lead
              Contact Support


