I've look around a bit and didn't find my answer,
I was wondering if there is any render node for Phoenix FD to buy.
I was able to find a way to buy new Phoenix FD licence, new Phoenix FD simulation node, but any Phoenix FD render node.
Is a Phoenix FD simulation node = Phoenix FD render node
Is there any other solution than buy a new Phoenix FD licence for a render node,
Is there maybe an option to render a Phoenix FD setup without a licence (via Deadline / backburner etc.)
Thanks for your time and your answer,
I've look around a bit and didn't find my answer,
I was wondering if there is any render node for Phoenix FD to buy.
I was able to find a way to buy new Phoenix FD licence, new Phoenix FD simulation node, but any Phoenix FD render node.
Is a Phoenix FD simulation node = Phoenix FD render node
Is there any other solution than buy a new Phoenix FD licence for a render node,
Is there maybe an option to render a Phoenix FD setup without a licence (via Deadline / backburner etc.)
Thanks for your time and your answer,