New to pdplayer. We run a realtime virtual backlot studio in stockholm. We shoot with cyclops motion control against greenscreen, live camera motion with pan bars and control wheels with motionbuilder producing the backgrounds in sync with the cyclops.
For the dailies we export fbx to maya, render background, export r3d foreground files through red rocket, set up a nuke project, throw in a previz keyer, edit the filmed fg to match with rendered background, keep timecode from r3d and export three avid files, one comped, one bg and one fg. All is automated, but after reading about pdplayer i got a feeling that most of this is possible within one software. Possible?
All the best
Patrik Forsberg
Stiller Studios
New to pdplayer. We run a realtime virtual backlot studio in stockholm. We shoot with cyclops motion control against greenscreen, live camera motion with pan bars and control wheels with motionbuilder producing the backgrounds in sync with the cyclops.
For the dailies we export fbx to maya, render background, export r3d foreground files through red rocket, set up a nuke project, throw in a previz keyer, edit the filmed fg to match with rendered background, keep timecode from r3d and export three avid files, one comped, one bg and one fg. All is automated, but after reading about pdplayer i got a feeling that most of this is possible within one software. Possible?
All the best
Patrik Forsberg
Stiller Studios