With delay of about two months, yesterday we released the service pack that supports max 2014 and VRay 2.4
Beside the compatibility, we have some new stuffs that i will explain here.
It seems that most of Phoenix users are focused on the liquid abilities, that forced us to revise our development concept. From the feedback until now we concluded that it's hard for the most users to deal with all these settings, especially when they try to turn the simulator from the default fire mode to liquid mode. We received many problematic scenes which wouldn't exist if there was just e check box that simply turns the simulator to liquid mode. Well, here it is, and there is a separate liquid source that just produce liquid, without all the complicated control. I hope it will be easier now.
Good news for the users that does not have VRay, the liquids are renderable without VRay now, using mesh mode rendering. The implicid surface is still supported and will be supported, because it produces smoother surface in the most cases, but the default liquid rendering is via mesh.
Few words about the ocean tools. Seeing the movies in internet made by other products, we noticed many samples that are hard to achieve at all. In the previous version we introduced the foam shader, that is good for closeup foam and splash, but is problematic for big scales. We hoped that the users will use Krakatoa for the big scale simulations, that didn't happen, for one or other reason. We decided to make some tools that will make easier the big scale simulations, especially the sea/ocean ones.
It seems like we are focused on the liquids but we are not. In this version we have introduced wavelet turbulence, resimulation, advanced advection technique, and some other improvements. I hope in short terms we will provide tutorials for making different kinds of explosions, like underground explosion, gasoline explosion, and other.
Beside the compatibility, we have some new stuffs that i will explain here.
It seems that most of Phoenix users are focused on the liquid abilities, that forced us to revise our development concept. From the feedback until now we concluded that it's hard for the most users to deal with all these settings, especially when they try to turn the simulator from the default fire mode to liquid mode. We received many problematic scenes which wouldn't exist if there was just e check box that simply turns the simulator to liquid mode. Well, here it is, and there is a separate liquid source that just produce liquid, without all the complicated control. I hope it will be easier now.
Good news for the users that does not have VRay, the liquids are renderable without VRay now, using mesh mode rendering. The implicid surface is still supported and will be supported, because it produces smoother surface in the most cases, but the default liquid rendering is via mesh.
Few words about the ocean tools. Seeing the movies in internet made by other products, we noticed many samples that are hard to achieve at all. In the previous version we introduced the foam shader, that is good for closeup foam and splash, but is problematic for big scales. We hoped that the users will use Krakatoa for the big scale simulations, that didn't happen, for one or other reason. We decided to make some tools that will make easier the big scale simulations, especially the sea/ocean ones.
It seems like we are focused on the liquids but we are not. In this version we have introduced wavelet turbulence, resimulation, advanced advection technique, and some other improvements. I hope in short terms we will provide tutorials for making different kinds of explosions, like underground explosion, gasoline explosion, and other.