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How to make phoenix particletex additive

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  • How to make phoenix particletex additive

    I have a tyflow simulation which I want to be able to generate a wetmap - I have exported it and loaded it into the PRT reader, but I dont know how to use the particle tex map to do what i want.

    As each particle gets close to the object it changes color - but then when it passes through it changes color again. i want it to be totally additive, so once white it never fades. This control within phoenix is in the wetmap particles.

    The issue is that the tyflow simulation is particles moving along the surface of an object - I could probably duplicate the entire sim and have it generate a copy of every particle on every frame, stopping it in place then export those. I guess this is how phoenix does it anyway as the wetmap particles are generated every frame, but phoenix has smarter controls to prevent duplicates which would be super complicated to implement into my simulation.

    Feel like an 'additive mode' checkbox in the particletex map would be a good addition anyway, unless there's another way to do this which isnt clear.

  • #2

    From what I understand - you have particles that are dying but you want once that they are read by the particle texture to be shaded forever no matter if they are already gone.

    Is this what you are after?
    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Yes, that's correct. is that possible?


      • #4
        Unfortunately this is not not possible for now. You will need to have the particles present in order to shade them.
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          OK, no worries.

          I have another request however!
          The wetmap particle generation in phoenix is pretty smart - it has good controls for the age of particles & the density so that we dont get a ton of overlapping particles etc. Is there any way to split this out into it's own thing that can generate wetmaps from PRT simulations? That would be great!

          Trying to do it within a tyflow branch is proving tricky - getting a lot of overlaps and trying to compare new particles entering the flow to limit the max density is not very intuitive to manage.


          • #6

            This is possible, though it needs a more detailed concept. I guess this process of generating tracks of particles over geometry must save a separate particle file sequence. It sounds like a mini simulator for generating particle files.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

