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RGB mixing resolution

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  • RGB mixing resolution

    I'm getting some speckles when I'm mixing 2 paint colors together. Is there a way to smooth it out besides increasing my grid cell count? I know it can get more blurry with increasing the RGB diffuse, but I like the strong color separation. RGB diffuse is currently at 0.8 and my cell size is .055 with 4 SPF.

  • #2
    I guess my ultimate question is...what are my options if I like the resolution of my fluid mesh and the dynamics, but get this sort of spotty look? Because if I make my grid size smaller, then my splash seems to get way too detailed and spiky/noisy... I need like to resim just the rgb at double rez, although I know that's not really a thing. I have some other tests going.


    • #3
      You can try to advect huge count of passive particles by the velocity field of the liquid and use them to color the mesh.
      VRScans developer


      • #4
        Are you using the Grid texture or the Particle texture for the RGB shading? With the Particle Texture you could probably try and make the particle radius larger - this should smooth the spots a bit, but will expand the rgb zone a bit.
        Another thing you could try is to Smooth the RGB channel from the Input rollout.
        Georgi Zhekov
        Phoenix Product Manager


        • #5
          Thanks guys...I am using the grid channel for rgb coloring. I'll try blurring first. Ivaylo, hoke would I go about doing that advect method?


          • #6
            Perhaps this is what you meant, I added a particle shader to my scene as well, which I can maybe comp in later and hopefully fill the gaps by increasing count and/or size. Thanks for the help guys!


            • #7
              Well, now i see that drag particles are not supported by the liquid solver, this makes the task a bit complicated, but you can use PF or this new cool system, TyFlow, to drag huge (with PF not so huge) count of particles, i mean 20-100M or more.
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                Oh yeah Tyflow....someone was messing with it at work. SOOOOO amazing!

