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Cascade setup with run-up on second simulator

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  • Cascade setup with run-up on second simulator

    Can I cascade with a run-up on second sim.. my scene has a tall fall, and a long narrow channel it falls into.. the channel liquid needs to be a pre-simulated, constant, controlled flow and cant depend on the fall to fill it as is the way the cascade examples work.
    In the docs it talks about overlapping simulators other than running cascade/sequentially, but in testing it always asks me which simulator to start first. Ideally I would run 2 simultaneous sims with the tall fall simulator intersecting the the flat receiving simulator at the bottom.. Its 70m cells by itself.. to extend the grid up to fall emitter would be 500m cells.

    The second sim at the bottom takes 12hrs to run-up and get a stable flow.. I just need the fall to fall into it for 300 frames

  • #2

    Phoenix simulations always run one after the other. If you need stuff to happen simultaneously, you gotta use one Simulator.

    Phoenix is gonna ask you which Simulator to run only when you don't have one selected. If you pick a Simulator and start it from the Simulation rollout or from the toolbar, that sim is gonna run. If you have Sim1 cascading into Sim2, you can run Sim1 just once, and then run Sim2 several times, adjusting its settings; If you have already simulated the frames leading up to Sim2's start - say the first 300 frames - then you can just use Restore to simulate Sim2 only from frame 300 onwards:

    It does not really sound to me like this is exactly what you are after?
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #3
      pictures worth a thousand wor.. err, million particles

      I have the simulator on the bottom, the liquid in the channel with a constant stable flow from an emitter at the start.. I now want to run the fall sim with the emitter at the top to fall into the bottom sim and continue both

      if i try to do this in a single simulator its 580 million cells
      Attached Files


      • #4
        If there is going to be an emitter for the lower Simulator, then you have to have it simulate start-to-end at least once, then simulate the upper one, and finally resume the simulation of the lower one from the moment the liquid from the sim above touches the liquid in the lower sim...
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #5
          the emitter in the lower sim was just to fill and develop the flow.. its to be turned off as soon as the upper sim fall replaces it.

          So i've run the lower simulator for 400 frames.. I can now run the upper sim for 400 frames.. then run the lower sim again without the emitter?


          • #6
            I'd say just restore the lower sim from that frame with the upper one already simulated and it would accept the incoming flow.
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #7
              That would be perfect.. i will try. Thanks!

