So here's my short little clip I am trying to composite. It is just an air plane model and then fire/smoke explosion FX with phoenix and I exported bunch of passes and I use HitFilmPro to composite it. Now HitfilmPro is like After Effects on steroids so if AE can get the job done this should even better do so. I try flipping different blending modes and switching layers order around. Put them all to additive blend mode with ADD bland mode and I encountered translucency issues. This is exactly, EXACTLY why I keep asking on this forum why can't VRay export pass of a 3D model ???!! Seriously it's useless without that function as I can not do anything with this renderr that took all day. It doesn't look as bad until you god forbid add your own background, than everything falls of the rails. I don't think I will be doing this muti pass thing I think I will have to import background and everything in Max and pray for the render I won't have to touch too much in post but please ChaosGroup, make a pass for next issue of the software where we can get a 3d model separate from the explosion or anything because this way I ended up with see through model. I have to rotoscope the plane now from RGB pass so it would be color corrected separfately from FIRE/SMOKE. That's another 10 hours of work. That is again why I keep saying there should be a way to have just a model pass and everyone says yeah you can do it but no one yet has shown how. I already used all the passes offered by VRay and none, 0 of them, does that function so I don't expect any help here just want to show why is so important to have a render pass with a JUST 3D model and than fx and rest on other render passes. I apologize in advance for my frustration but you guys render your stuff too, you know how you feel when you lose a 2 day render. I would send it to a render farm but its ridiculously expensive this render would cpst me 600 bukcs or something based on Chaos Cloud pricing so I have to wait and render myself.